
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The change of European power structure is the historical background of Bismarck's alliance system. Its aim is to isolate France, to protect the European status quo, by combining with the important European countries (Russia). Alliance is the basic combination of Russia, Austria, Germany and the three countries of the old king, which is the weakest link in the league. Bulgaria after crisis, the relationship between the break. Boulanger and the Franco German relationship tends to be important. This is a prerequisite for the Russian approach to the invention, the edge of the Bismarck Alliance on the verge of collapse. However, Bismarck has the help of a series of whirling perpendicular and horizontal to resolve the crisis. This is Bismarck communicative art display the incisively and vividly era, also enough bare he held in high esteem by the practical calculation of political communication fundamental shortcomings and historical limitations. After the Berlin Conference five years of your time, German Prime Minister Bismarck set a includes Russia, Austria Hungary, Italy, Romania and other countries of the complex of the alliance system, European international politics sometimes Bismarck alliance you, Berlin became European communication stage. 1885 burst out of the crisis in Bulgaria but the Bismarck Alliance on the verge of disillusionment, Bismarck through a series of wonderful dominated, temporary resolve the crisis. In his series of domination, the Russian German reinsurance contract plays a minor role, the temporary stability of the Bismarck alliance system. This article focuses on the crisis era of European countries, especially Germany and Russia opened the intense communication game, with the signing of the German Russian reinsurance contract as the main line, to explore the overall characteristics of the early German Russian relations in nineteenth Century.


内容提要   4-5   Abstract   5   前言   7-13       (一) 选题意义   7-9       (二) 国内外探讨近况略论   9-11       (三) 本文的重难点与创新点   11-13   一、德俄关系在德意志帝国外交中的地位   13-18       (一) 德俄友谊:两国外交共同的基石   13-14       (二) 德俄关系:俾斯麦外交体系的核心要素   14-18   二、德俄《再保险条约》的出台   18-31       (一) 日趋紧张的国际形势对德俄两国的作用   18-22       (二) 1887年初德俄两国为谋求达成谅解所采取的方法   22-25       (三) 再保险条约签订的前奏及补充:两次地中海协定   25-27       (四) 再保险条约的签订及其对德俄关系的作用   27-30       (五) 德俄关系的再次恶化和法俄的接近   30-31   三、德俄关系的新动向及《再保险条约》的终结   31-36       (一) 德国新政府的“新路线”对德俄关系的作用   31-32       (二) 德俄两国在《再保险条约》续订问题上的分歧及其原因   32       (三) 《再保险条约》的终结对德俄关系以及欧洲国际关系格局的作用   32-36   四、结语   36-38   参考文献   38-40   后记   40  
