
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



It means that Marxism is a kind of ideological trend of thought, and the noble is a kind of aesthetic shape. It is not necessarily confined to the representation of classical doctrine and realism. European symbolism that actual actually not real, the material world scene just before a substantial counterpart, the traditional positivism approach to perceptual ideas lack to grasp as a whole, only that doctrine through similar to Plato's "Ecstasy" in dreams. The only real grasp. And Europe that sent the familiar on the differences of characteristics, Russian symbolism especially the second generation of representative Blok, Bely, Vee Ivanov etc. by solovyov and orthodox thought influence, more ontological properties. That means a deeper situation, art is the wrist, as long as people by means of ability method and career free formalism of everyday life to the vulgar religion is based on this side of the world, the Russian symbolism reaction of man as the subject to the object of the world to tame and self energy elevation and update as Blok a performance of the national characteristics of the great meaning poets, creation and other means the difference lies in the greatest poet in his symbolism system has been successfully completed and the noble aesthetic bias, and growing the noble symbolism dimension in three aspects and the relationship between subject and object. In this paper, the Blok the creation of three stage separation in order to topic, aesthetics and the Secret Doctrine of noble: antithesis, really - skepticism noble; synthesis, kindness and moral doctrine of noble, creation theory and combined with the analysis of the growth of sublime aesthetics.


内容摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   前言   7-10   第一章 勃洛克和俄国象征主义探讨述评   10-19       第一节 原苏联和西方的探讨状况   10-14       第二节 中国的探讨状况   14-19   第二章 象征主义与崇高   19-28       第一节 象征主义   19-22       第二节 崇高   22-24       第三节 象征主义与崇高的关系   24-28   第三章 勃洛克与崇高   28-55       第一节 正题.美.神秘主义的崇高   29-35       第二节 反题.真.怀疑主义的崇高   35-42       第三节 合题.善.道德主义的崇高   42-55   第四章 勃洛克对崇高美学的发展   55-65       第一节 客体方面的发展   55-57       第二节 主体方面的发展   57-60       第三节 主客体关系方面的发展   60-65   结语   65-67   参考书目   67-69   后记   69  
