
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Berman deliberately written in the "justice and revolution", in his thoughts, he of Oriental judicial tradition of, the growth history stopped comprehensive analysis, invention of find the Oriental judicial tradition and six times the reactionary (Pope reactionary, reactionary, Germany, the English Revolution, the French Revolution, the American Revolution and Russian Revolution) breathe the same air, a common fate of contact. Pope reactionary Oriental constitutional laid solid foundation, the "kingship and the church" separation, reactionary, Germany announced the landmark of the Carolina code, it establishes the principle of criminal law has not yet ancient oriental adopted widely. The English Revolution is popular and successful law court, common law court than other courts more cover plain public benefits and established a large number of folk law and criminal law principle, the American Revolution was born the declaration of independence, established series such as famous judicial censorship of the first constitutional principles. The French Revolution announced the "Declaration of human rights", "civil law code" is for all the eastern world have played a universal effect. American Revolution announced the "Declaration of independence", and established a series of first constitutional principles, such as the famous judicial censorship of Russian Revolution completely subvert the rule of the feudal Czar, and published the socialist judicial. In these serious reactionary religions in the process played a role as religion is of little importance, the Oriental civilization, judicial origin, reactionary lead. Nowadays the East is enshrined in the judicial loss because of religious decline to. As a committed Christian, Berman deeply feels the crisis of religious decline, is to wish his thought of "justice and reactionary" may reshape religious and belief main position. Although only in the religious identity of Mansi burr was exaggerated, but there are still many values for generation of Chinese own premises.


内容提要   4-5   Abstract   5   前言   7-8   一、伯尔曼法学传统形成观的背景   8-12       (一) 伯尔曼法学传统形成观的社会背景   8-9       (二) 伯尔曼法学传统形成观的思想背景   9-10       (三) 伯尔曼法学传统形成观的个人学术背景   10-12   二、伯尔曼法学传统形成观的内容   12-18       (一) 西措施律传统内涵的厘清   12-14       (二) 革命是西措施律传统形成的基础   14-15       (三) 宗教是西措施律传统形成的脉络   15-18   三、伯尔曼法学传统形观对西措施制理论的作用   18-25       (一) 赋予了法学的精神批判   18-19       (二) 创造性的构建了整体法学史观   19-20       (三) 充实了法学实证主义探讨   20-21       (四) 促进了法学信仰的理论构建   21-23       (五) 实现了法学与宗教的对接   23-25   四、伯尔曼法学形成观对中国法制建设的启示   25-35       (一) 正确认识法学的继承性—法学传统在中国法制建设中具有重大意义   25-27       (二) 树立法学权威,推进我国法治建设   27-29       (三) 汲取各民族优秀法学传统,建立中国特色的法学制度   29-35   结语   35-37   参考文献   37-39   后记   39  
