
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

The world in the eyes of the Oriental world is a real world, the entity of the detailed situation is the situation, the Oriental Art is subject to the standard of civilization, must be in the artistic creation and the art of aesthetic expression of the United States of the track. The period of ancient Greece and Rome have four forms: the concept of Pythagoreans "mathematical situation" concept, Platon's "management style", Aristotle's "four elements" theory, Horace put forward the concept of "closed". In modern time, Kant put forward the "transcendental situation" monism, Hagel put forward the dualism of ideological content and form ", they through the process of aesthetic history dialectical comprehensive and detailed analysis of thinking, open up a new era of form aesthetics, aesthetics of the ancient growth situation as the foundation. Especially in twentieth Century, the Oriental aesthetic trend of the times, but also the most prosperous and glorious era of Oriental Aesthetics since ancient times. Whether it is Russian formalism and Anglo American new criticism as the representative of the "speech situation", so the actual structure of literary "structure", whether the Symbol Aesthetics "symbol form", so the "prototype" myth archetype criticism and Gestalt aesthetics "Gestalt" concept, a lively and fruitful us thought on literature and art, especially on rational thinking about our magnanimous aesthetic and artistic form, is undoubtedly the big benefit. In the practical aesthetics in twentieth Century, Russian formalism, new criticism, structuralism and Anglo American faction to aesthetic implication of ancient aesthetics art valued highly by people attention, even for "many schools of internal study" are also more or less can not withstand the lure of art form, some even intentionally to also consider exquisite art form. I think that the study of these actual influential factions not only greatly enhance the actual situation, and the emergence of their factions is one of the beauty in order to progress had reached a new level and degree. From a microscopic point of view, the actual situation of the school of twentieth Century, the actual point of view is a lot of points. The interpretation of the art form of either faction is in the category of the absolute truth, and all of them are the results of the traditional form of sensibility, which is related to a new sensibility. The people of unremitting art seeking, important from four aspects, namely the situation as the object, field situation as the main field, and form four aspects as non subjective and non objective subjective and objective combination, formed a new situation of perceptual building. Familiar with this, we can say that the aesthetic of the situation in this time has entered a mature era. In the late nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century, because of the influence of Saussure's theory of speaking, the Oriental philosophy gradually shifted from the theory of knowledge to the center of the theory of the theory of knowledge. In modern literary theory, from the Russian formalism, new criticism of the Prague school, and sent to the semantics, structuralism, semiotics, and deconstruction, although with the actual point of view different from big, but the differences highlight the middle position on the talk. As the Russian formalism of receiving, drawing from Saussure's talk and indecent point and the way to study literature, literary criticism should be the important thought on literature itself that the characteristics and functions of external discipline, research literature talk, style and structure of the new situation; also in research works in refuting the "text" and "that is, the texture" speak words and all kinds of rhetoric, structuralism beyond the new criticism dedicated to the works of a single speaking skills analysis limitations, the details of the text as the outside literature "speech", and strive to through the analysis of text analytics, hidden in the deep structure of literature as a whole to remind is "talk" or "extensive grammar". The philosophy of the theory of speaking is an important concern ". The art form is a system that has a specific structure, which exists as a system. The art form of the organization is actually not a mechanical connection, but a continuity and change of the dialectical process. All the structures have the static characteristics of multi level and multi direction, and all structures have its surface and deep layer. This article from the "inorganic the same" and "numerous and diverse" two aspects, through the process of the eastern situation of the eastern side of the comb, the interpretation of the "diversity of the same" this aesthetic form of the dominant reason. Although the eastern factions in twentieth Century made a great contribution to the oriental aesthetics, but this time, the situation of the situation has a significant tendency of the situation, which is also the reality of the. Is a special Russian formalism, new criticism and structuralism including Anglo American, to learn the situation of aesthetics, literature is regarded as a "closed system", cut off the contact of literature and social history, emphasizing the so-called "reading" and "centripetal" speech, semantic and text structure analysis, obvious trend another extreme. The eastern modern art, art

