摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 赵世炎(1901年一1927年)是中国共产党晚期出色的无产阶层反动家、卓著的马列主义实际流传者、有名的工人活动首脑。赵世炎的平生固然是长久的,但他却将本身的全体芳华韶华和满腔热血献给了中国国民的束缚事业,在中国反动史上写下了不朽篇章。赵世炎出身于半殖平易近地半封建社会的旧中国。此时的中国先辈常识份子为救亡图存开端对各类社会主义学说停止译介,俄国十月反动的成功开启了马列主义在中国的普遍流传。恰是在这一时期配景下,赵世炎经由过程本身赓续尽力,成为五四活动的青年首脑,他为摸索救国救平易近真谛更远赴法国、俄国肄业,控制了丰硕的马列主义实际。终究由一位保守的平易近族主义者改变为一位真实的马克思主义者。成为马克思主义者后,赵世炎便对马列主义停止积极宣扬。他与各类反马克思主义思潮作果断奋斗。他批评无当局主义的虚假性;揭穿国度主义的法西斯真面貌;痛斥戴季陶主义的反共主意。与此同时,作为中国第一代留俄生,赵世炎体系标准地进修了列宁主义相干实际,积极向国人宣扬列宁主义。他用列宁的帝国主义实际剖析时势;引见列宁的平易近族、殖平易近地舆论;论述列宁的无产阶层专政实际;宣扬列宁的暴力反动学说;运用列宁的无产阶层政党实际扶植党。赵世炎对马列主义在中国的流传做出了凸起进献。他是最早向国人引见列宁主义的前驱者之一。他迷信的归纳综合了列宁主义的实际系统及其汗青位置,让更多的国人进修到列宁主义。另外,俄语毕业论文,他还积极推进马列主义与工人活动的联合。他深刻下层,走入工场,开办了很多工人组织,组织工人进修马列主义。他卖力总结工人罢工、起义的经历经验,使马列主义赓续与中国现实相联合,推进了中国工人活动的蓬勃成长。 Abstract: Zhao Shiyan (1901 a 1927) is advanced by the Communist Party of China excellent middle class revolutionaries, outstanding Marxism Leninism actual spreading, famous worker activity leaders. Zhao Shiyan life is, of course, for a long time, but he will own all the youth youth and passion dedicated to the liberation of the Chinese people, in the history of the Chinese revolution wrote the immortal chapter. Zhao Shiyan was born in the semi feudal society of semi colonial China. At this time of the Chinese advanced intellectuals for salvation from the beginning of all kinds of socialist theories stop translation, the success of the Russian October Revolution opened the Marxism Leninism in China is widespread. Is precisely under this time background, Zhao Shiyan through the process itself continuously try to become the young head of the May 4th movement, he worked to save plain near meaning traveled to France, Russia associate, control the actual fruitful Marxism Leninism. After all, a conservative nationalist who changed to a true Marx. As the Marx doctrine, Zhao Shiyan to stop actively promoting Marxism leninism. He fought against all kinds of anti Marx thought. He criticized the no false authority doctrine; expose humanitarian country fascist true face; denounced Dai jitaoism anti Communist idea. At the same time, as China's first generation of Russian students stay, Zhao Shiyan system standard to learn the theory of Lenin's theory of coherence, and actively promote the Lenin doctrine. Him with Lenin's imperialism theory and analysis of current situation; introduces Lenin's ethnic and colonial public opinion; discusses Lenin of the actual class dictatorship; promote Lenin's reactionary violence theory; application of Lenin's middle-class parties actual construction party. Zhao Shiyan made outstanding contributions to the spread of Marxism Leninism in Chinese. He was one of the first to introduce the Lenin doctrine to the Chinese people. He summed up the scientific summary of the Lenin doctrine of the actual system and its historical position, so that more people learn to Lenin doctrine. In addition, he also actively promote the combination of Marxism and the workers' activities. He walked into the shop and run deep layer, a lot of workers' organizations, workers learn Marxism leninism. He worked very hard strikes by the workers, the uprising of the experience summary, make ceaselessly of Marxism Leninism with the Chinese reality, to promote the rapid development of Chinese workers. 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第一章 引言 9-12 一、选题背景 9-10 二、探讨的难点与创新点 10-11 三、探讨措施 11-12 第二章 赵世炎成为马克思主义者的过程 12-22 一、接受马列主义的时代背景 12-17 (一)为救亡图存国人开始了对马克思主义的关注 12-15 (二)十月革命开启了马列主义在中国的广泛传播 15-17 二、世界观的两次转变 17-22 (一)由民主主义者转变为工读主义者 17-19 (二)由工读主义者转变为马克思主义者 19-22 第三章 赵世炎与反马克思主义思潮的斗争及对列宁主义的宣传 22-33 一、与反马克思主义思潮的斗争 22-28 (一)批驳无政府主义的虚伪性 22-24 (二)揭露国家主义的法西斯面目 24-26 (三)批判戴季陶主义的反共主张 26-28 二、对列宁主义的宣传 28-33 (一)用列宁的帝国主义理论论证时事 28-29 (二)介绍列宁的民族、殖民地问题理论 29-30 (三)阐述列宁的无产阶级专政理论 30 (四)宣传列宁的暴力革命学说 30-31 (五)应用列宁的无产阶级政党理论建设党 31-33 第四章 赵世炎传播马列主义的突出贡献 33-39 一、科学概括列宁主义的理论体系与历史地位 33-34 二、深入基层创办工人组织,向工人宣传马列主义 34-37 三、总结工人罢工、起义的经验教训,俄语论文网站,推动工人运动发展 37-39 结语 39-40 参考文献 40-44 致谢 44-45 个人简历 45 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 45 |