
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Follow the Sino Russian economic and trade cooperation strategy further promotion, between the growth of business in the state are also increasingly retreat, the two countries have been familiar to under the premise of relying on the growth of trade in goods, the business scope of both countries never have the big change and breakthrough. Is, the two countries in trying to explore new cooperation strategy, to promote bilateral business continuously forward development. Today, the two capitals in China and Russia is the rapid economic growth of the country, and the two countries have complementary business, the investment cooperation between the two countries launched supply the helpful precondition is to, on both sides of the Sino Russian are actively explore and improve the methods of investment cooperation between China and Russia. In this paper, the history of Sino Russian economic and trade growth and business scope, business structure, business growth rate based on the present status of the analysis, discuss the existing Sino Russian business growth in the results, important business scope is small, commercial growth imbalance, structural imbalance and commercial trade friction and commercial service system is not perfect, in the analysis of these the basic performance, discuss the influence of Sino Russian business growth beneficial factors and unfavorable identity; and to study the process of Russia in WTO and in Russia itself economy and bring growth to Sino Russian business is good and dark gas, at first, analyzes the Sino Russian business growth prospects, and puts forward some suggestions of the China and Russia to promote business growth.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   第1章 绪论   10-18       1.1 论文选题背景及意义   10-12           1.1.1 论文背景   10-11           1.1.2 论文的探讨意义   11-12       1.2 国内外探讨近况   12-14           1.2.1 国外探讨近况   12-13           1.2.2 国内探讨近况   13-14       1.3 论文探讨思路与主要内容   14-16           1.3.1 论文的主要探讨思路   14           1.3.2 论文探讨的内容   14-16           1.3.3 论文的主要措施   16       1.4 论文创新之处   16-18   第2章 中俄贸易发展的近况及存在的问题略论   18-29       2.1 中俄贸易发展过程   18-19       2.2 中俄贸易近况略论   19-23           2.2.1 中俄贸易规模略论   19-20           2.2.2 中俄双边贸易发展速度略论   20-21           2.2.3 中俄贸易商品结构略论   21-23       2.3 中俄贸易发展中存在的问题略论   23-28           2.3.1 贸易规模偏小   23           2.3.2 贸易发展不平衡   23-24           2.3.3 贸易结构失衡   24-27           2.3.4 中俄贸易摩擦问题   27           2.3.5 中俄贸易发展中的服务体系不完善   27           2.3.6 中俄商品质检标准不统一   27-28       2.4 本章小结   28-29   第3章 中俄贸易发展的作用因素略论   29-36       3.1 促进中俄贸易发展的有利因素   29-32           3.1.1 国际环境的变化要求中俄不断加强贸易往来   29           3.1.2 地理位置的优势促进了中俄贸易的不断向前发展   29-30           3.1.3 政治因素推动两国贸易发展   30           3.1.4 经济因素有利于两国贸易的发展   30-32           3.1.5 能源合作方面符合双方发展战略需求   32       3.2 中俄贸易发展的不利因素略论   32-35           3.2.1 历史文化因素的阻碍   32-33           3.2.2 交通运输的不发达   33-34           3.2.3 贸易产业基础薄弱   34-35       3.3 本章小结   35-36   第4章 俄罗斯加入 WTO 对中俄贸易的作用   36-43       4.1 俄罗斯“入世”的主要承诺   36-38           4.1.1 商品市场准入的承诺   36           4.1.2 服务市场准入   36-37           4.1.3 农业补贴   37           4.1.4 知识产权保护   37-38       4.2 “入世”对俄罗斯经济的作用   38-40           4.2.1 对消费和经济增长的作用   38           4.2.2 对产业部门的作用   38-39           4.2.3 对政府及居民收支的作用   39           4.2.4 对投资环境的作用   39           4.2.5 对国际竞争力的作用   39-40       4.3 俄罗斯“入世”给中俄贸易发展带来的机遇和挑战   40-42           4.3.1 俄罗斯“入世”给中俄贸易发展带来的机遇   40-41           4.3.2 俄罗斯“入世”给中俄贸易发展带来的挑战   41-42       4.4 本章小结   42-43   第5章 中俄贸易的发展前景及建议   43-49       5.1 中俄贸易的发展前景   43-45           5.1.1 能源合作领域将有新进展   43-44           5.1.2 边境和地区间经贸合作尚有很大潜力   44           5.1.3 中俄合作将从能源领域向其他领域扩展   44-45       5.2 促进中俄贸易发展的建议   45-48           5.2.1 通过政治互信促进经贸合作   45-46           5.2.2 扩大中俄双方的贸易投资合作   46           5.2.3 优化中俄贸易的合作领域   46           5.2.4 加强区域经济的战略合作   46-47           5.2.5 完善中俄贸易的服务体系   47           5.2.6 改善贸易体制及政策法规   47           5.2.7 加强两国社会文化的交流   47-48       5.3 本章小结   48-49   结论   49-51   参考文献   51-56   致谢   56  
