摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语论文网站,俄语论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 中国和俄罗斯既互为最年夜的邻邦,又同为主要的地缘政治区、疾速突起的新兴国度、结合国安理睬常任理事国,两国关系若何成长,不只对于两国经济的成长、国度好处的保护相当主要,并且对于亚洲地域的战争与成长、世界局面的稳固作用严重。是以,这组双边关系一向备受国际外官场和社会各界的普遍存眷,是学术界研究的主要范畴之一。鉴于中俄两国邻接而居,有着自然的地缘关系,本文试图以新地缘政管理论为研究视角,对两国在政治、经济、文明等方面的关系停止深刻剖析,并在此基本上商量两国关系将来的成长趋向,旨在从分歧的角度展示中俄关系,令人们对其有加倍周全清楚的懂得和熟悉。本文将分红六个部门停止阐述。第一部门是绪论。该部门重要论述本文的研究缘起和意义,梳理和评价本论题的国际外研究现状,并解释文章的研究思绪、研究办法和立异与缺乏的地方。第二部门是地缘政管理论概述。该部门重要引见传统的地缘政管理论及其在新时代面对的各类成绩,进而引出在传统地缘政管理论基本上派生的地缘经济、地缘文明等新内容,而且论述地缘政管理论中对于中国与俄罗斯的位置,两国地缘关系的不雅点。第三部门到第五部门是全文的焦点。该部门分离从地缘政治、地缘经济、地缘文明这三个新地缘政治研究视角阐述中俄两国的关系现状及其构成的缘由,并指出在苏联崩溃后,两国的政治、经济、文明关系都获得了极年夜的成长,但也难免存在一些成绩,有待于两国感性面临,配合处理。第六部门是中俄关系远景瞻望。该部门重要指出中俄两国关系成长中存在的积极身分与消极身分,阐述中国与俄罗斯两国官场与学界对于成长两国地缘政治关系的思虑,从而在此基本上推想中俄关系将来的成长偏向。 Abstract: China and Russia both each other is most of the eve of the neighbors, and the same for major geopolitical zone, rapid rise of emerging countries, combined with the permanent members of the Security Council, relations between the two countries how to develop, not only about our economic growth and national interests in the protection is quite important and about Asian regional war and growth, the world situation of solid seriously affected. In this group, the bilateral relations have always attracted international officialdom and the community wide concern, is one of the main areas of academic research. In view of the fact that China and Russia adjacent neighbors, has a natural geographical relations, this paper attempts to to new geopolitical theory as the research angle of view, a deep analysis on the relations between the two countries in political, economic, cultural and other aspects, and on this basis to discuss relations between the two countries in the future development trend, aimed at showing China Russia relations from different angles, makes the people to have double round clear understanding and familiar with. In this paper, the six departments will be discussed dividends. The first part is the introduction. Research the origin and significance of the important sector of this paper, carding and evaluation of the topic of international research status and the research ideas, research methods and innovation and the lack of places are explained. The second part is a brief introduction on geopolitical management. The important departments introduce traditional geopolitical theory and in the face of the new era of various problems, and thus leads to basically derived geo economic and geopolitical civilization new content in the traditional geopolitical management theory, and discusses the geo political theory about China and Russia's position and geopolitical relations between the two countries the indecent point. The third department is the focus of the fifth sector. The Department separated from geopolitical, geo economic and geopolitical civilized the three new geo political research angle of view on the Sino Russian relation current situation and reason, and pointed out that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, bilateral political, economic and cultural relations have gained huge growth, but inevitably there are some achievements, to be faced in the two perceptual, with treatment. The sixth sector is the prospect of Sino Russian relations at. The Department important point growth of China Russia relations existing in the positive factor and negative factor, on official circles of China and Russia, and academic circles about the growth of bilateral geopolitical relations thinking, and on this basis suppose China Russia relations future development. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-7 目录 8-10 一、绪论 10-18 (一) 探讨缘起与选题意义 10-12 1. 探讨缘起 10-11 2. 选题意义 11-12 (二) 国内外探讨近况 12-16 1. 国外探讨近况 12-13 2. 国内探讨近况 13-15 3. 对国内外探讨近况的简单述评 15-16 (三) 探讨思路和措施 16-17 1. 探讨思路 16 2. 探讨措施 16-17 (四) 本文创新与不足 17-18 1. 本文创新之处 17 2. 本文不足之处 17-18 二、地缘政治理论概述 18-27 (一) 地缘政治的概念 18-19 (二) 传统地缘政治理论 19-21 1. 大陆文明地缘政治 19-20 2. 海洋文明地缘政治 20-21 (三) 传统地缘政治理论面临的挑战 21-23 1. 合作与协调成为国际关系的主流 21-22 2. 经济因素与文化因素的重要性上升 22-23 (四) 发展中的新地缘政治理论 23-25 1. 地缘经济理论 23-24 2. 地缘文化理论 24-25 (五) 地缘政治理论中的中国与俄罗斯 25-27 三、中俄地缘政治关系 27-34 (一) 中俄地缘政治环境 27-30 1. 两国都面临严峻的周边地缘政治环境 27-29 2. 两国都拥有共同的地缘战略目标 29-30 (二) 中俄政治关系近况 30-34 1. 两国政治关系步步高升 30-33 2. 两国政治关系发展中存在的不确定因素 33-34 四、中俄地缘经济关系 34-41 (一)中俄地缘经济条件 34-36 1. 两国经济资源的优势互补 34-35 2. 两国经济合作的地缘优势 35-36 (二) 中俄经济关系近况 36-41 1. 两国经济关系发展中取得的进展 36-39 2. 两国经贸关系发展中存在的问题 39-41 五、中俄地缘文化关系 41-48 (一) 中俄地缘文化背景 41-44 1. 两国民族文化的特点 41-43 2. 两国民族文化的共性 43-44 (二) 中俄文化关系近况 44-48 1. 两国文化交流逐渐加深 44-46 2. 两国文化的冲突与误解 46-48 六、中俄关系前景展望 48-54 (一) 两国关系发展的积极因素 48-49 (二) 两国关系发展的消极因素 49-51 (三) 中俄对发展中俄地缘政治关系的思考 51-52 (四) 两国关系未来的发展趋势 52-54 结论 54-55 参考文献 55-60 致谢 60 |