
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



China and Russia as a neighboring country, have built compared stability and mutual trust and strategic partner relationship, which marked the political relations between China and Russia have reached a very high position. However, today, because of the influence of many factors, the Sino Russian trade in services range actually is not very Nianye can said the Sino Russian trade in services collaboration far behind in political cooperation. Two countries enhance service category of commercial cooperation, to promote the Sino Russian economic growth, promote South West Asia regional economic cooperation, to adapt to economic globalization the growth tendency, has important practical significance. The thesis consists of five of the eve of the Department, important content of various departments in the following: the first media department briefly introduced research background and research significance, domestic and foreign scholars research situation and relevant literature, research ideas and research methods, innovation and the lack of local is the full text of the summary. The second part introduces the important international business practical common sense, contains the traditional international trade theory, modern international trade theory and service trade practice, for the study of Sino Russian trade superior. China and Russia of the introduction of the third sector service business develops the current situation and existing achievements, the Department includes a large amount of statistical data, make double intuitive and detailed analysis. The fourth sector analysis will influence the Sino Russian trade in services of important factors, contains natural conditions, political relations, social civilization and economic growth four aspects of identity. Among them, the economic status is the main effect of trade in services in the identity between China and Russia, analyzes the complementary economic relations between the two countries. The Department to take a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the approach, so that the analysis can be more accurate analysis. The five departments in the analysis of Sino Russian trade status, achievement and influencing factor basically, the key to discuss separation of Russia and China growth strategies of the service trade of existing, for further growth of Sino Russian business relationship to provide reference.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   第1章 绪论   10-23       1.1 论文探讨的背景及意义   10-12           1.1.1 论文探讨的背景   10-11           1.1.2 论文探讨的目的及意义   11-12       1.2 中外探讨近况   12-20           1.2.1 国外服务贸易探讨近况   13-16           1.2.2 中国服务贸易探讨近况   16-19           1.2.3 中俄服务贸易探讨近况   19           1.2.4 中外服务贸易探讨近况综述   19-20       1.3 论文主要内容及探讨措施   20-22           1.3.1 论文主要内容   20-21           1.3.2 论文探讨措施   21-22       1.4 论文的创新之处   22-23   第2章 论文相关理论   23-39       2.1 传统国际贸易理论   23-24           2.1.1 绝对优势理论   23           2.1.2 比较优势理论   23-24           2.1.3 要素禀赋理论   24       2.2 当代国际贸易理论   24-32           2.2.1 动态比较优势理论   24-27           2.2.2 新贸易理论   27-28           2.2.3 边境贸易理论   28-31           2.2.4 国家竞争优势理论   31-32       2.3 服务贸易理论   32-38       2.4 本章小结   38-39   第3章 中俄服务贸易发展状况及对比略论   39-63       3.1 中俄贸易发展的历史   39-46           3.1.1 20 世纪 90 年代以前的中苏贸易发展   39-42           3.1.2 20 世纪 90 年代的中俄贸易发展   42-43           3.1.3 金融危机前的中俄贸易发展   43-45           3.1.4 金融危机后的中俄贸易发展   45-46       3.2 俄罗斯服务贸易的发展近况   46-49           3.2.1 俄罗斯服务贸易的发展成效   47-48           3.2.2 俄罗斯服务贸易发展的不足之处   48-49       3.3 中国服务贸易的发展近况   49-56           3.3.1 中国服务贸易的发展绩效   50-51           3.3.2 中国服务贸易发展的不足之处   51-56       3.4 中俄服务贸易发展状况比较略论   56-62           3.4.1 中俄服务贸易的开放程度比较   56           3.4.2 中俄服务贸易的产业结构比较   56-57           3.4.3 中俄服务贸易的地缘关系比较   57-58           3.4.4 中俄服务贸易净出口及出口规模比较   58-59           3.4.5 中俄服务贸易的竞争优势指数比较   59-61           3.4.6 中俄服务贸易出口的国际市场占有率比较   61           3.4.7 中俄服务贸易比较的总结   61-62       3.5 本章小结   62-63   第4章 中俄服务贸易的作用因素略论   63-76       4.1 自然环境因素   63-64           4.1.1 国际环境   63-64           4.1.2 地缘优势   64       4.2 政治关系因素   64-67           4.2.1 领导人互访机制   64-66           4.2.2 有效的合作与磋商机制   66-67       4.3 社会文化因素   67-69           4.3.1 社会文化异同   67-68           4.3.2 中俄“国家年”   68-69       4.4 经济发展因素   69-75           4.4.1 经济发展水平   69-70           4.4.2 经济互补性优势   70-73           4.4.3 国内市场环境   73-74           4.4.4 俄罗斯积极入世   74-75           4.4.5 服务贸易投资   75       4.5 本章小结   75-76   第5章 中俄两国服务贸易发展的对策   76-81       5.1 俄罗斯服务贸易发展的对策   76-77           5.1.1 加强服务贸易人力资本投资   76-77           5.1.2 提升服务贸易国际竞争力   77       5.2 中国服务贸易发展的对策   77-80           5.2.1 调整服务贸易发展战略   77-78           5.2.2 改善服务贸易体制及政策法规   78-79           5.2.3 优化服务贸易商品结构   79-80       5.3 本章小结   80-81   结论   81-82   参考文献   82-89   致谢   89  
