
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



System transformation is the transition from the planning economy to the market economy system. The economic transition countries are in a transitional stage between the planned economy and the market economy, and the authorities in these countries are different from those in the traditional planned economy, and they are also different from those in the booming market. This requires a clear understanding of the nature of the authorities. But on this score, whether it is the western economic reality, the eastern economic reality is not a ready-made answer, it is a new definition and research of the government's instinct function in the economic transition, it is a new subject that can break the traditional knowledge, with the main practical significance. As the two to establish a market economy as the transformation of the growth of the middle age, China and Russia, and Russia on the way to go on the road of transition. What is different is that China and Russia have chosen the path of reform, that is, the gradual and conservative reform of the road. In Chinese, the authorities played the role different. The differences in the way of the authorities and the performance of the government's instinct can lead to the reform of the whole division. In order to select the system of China and Russia in the transformation of the authorities to stop comparison and research, and summarized the discipline of the device, which can be considered in the transition of the country to provide a certain reference, with the main practical significance. Russia's system of system transformation with conservative "shock therapy", breaking the traditional highly centralized planning economic system, the desire to build a market economy in the "one night", so that the market to replace planning to set up the basic strength of the capital of the equipment, and to keep the authorities from the economy as far as possible, so that the market completely replace the authorities. The reform of the theory proved that the conservative reform has the intense romantic color, the great twists and turns makes Russia's pre reform more emphasis on market economy under the control of the country and the authorities. On the contrary, the system of China's system reform has adopted a gradual approach, from the traditional planning system to the most vulnerable part of the work, and gradually break down the old system. Authorities slowly underground, reduce authority, to the growth of the market to more space; at the same time, actively cultivate the market, shaping the micro economic entities, the perfect market system and market mechanism, so as to complete the conversion of the authorities of the government, the market regulation and government regulation and control of inorganic joint. Through the process of Sino Russian authorities in the reform of the detailed performance of the comparison can be seen, although China and Russia has a large system of the same style, but because of their differences in the purpose, reform and transformation of the actual basis of the two countries in the transition has a different function of the. The theory of the evolution of the Chinese and Russian authorities' instinct function has proved that the definition of the function of the government should be based on the national conditions of the country, and the government must be a useful authority, but also a strong government. To this end, the need to change the government's instinct, to stop the transformation of the authorities themselves. Economic transition, from the perspective of the government's instinctive function, is from the planning economy to the universal authorities under the market economy

