
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Along with the change of science and technology by leaps and bounds, humanity has entered the era of knowledge economy, into a highly information-based era, the 21st century is knowledge economy occupies the leading position in the century. Senior teaching competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In June 1999, Germany, Italy, Britain, France and other European 29 signatories of the teaching secretary, gathered at the in the Italian city of Bologna, the meeting signed a "Bologna Declaration", the declaration of the transformation of the future European higher education planning, the planning focus is a prior to 2017 to establish a European higher education space. In September 2003, Bologna in the process of teaching secretary members in Berlin held the second busiest meeting. Russia signed the "Bologna declaration", marking the official Russian participation in the process of Bologna. Since then, opened a new chapter in Russia's advanced education. In this paper, first of all, the Bologna Process stop growing to comb the history: the Treaty of Lisbon, Sorbonne declaration, the Bologna Declaration, Prague announcement, Berlin announcement, announcement of Bergen and informed London bulletin. The second department to discuss Russia to participate in the idea of Bologna process. In order to speed up the national higher education system and Europe and the United States higher education standards, enjoy the discourse power in the global higher education market, adapt to the tide of higher education internationalization, intervention of Bologna process, strengthen Russian Higher Education in international competitiveness. The third section of the article discusses the changes of the Russian University to participate in the Bologna process. Russia to its higher education degree rail system, take the European credit system, under the quality oriented background of the country with a drop out test and national teach in rail system. In the fourth chapter, the Moscow State University for example case analysis. In Bologna after the transformation of the stop in Bologna scale of the Moscow State University stop. The fifth chapter analyzes the achievements of the reform of the advanced education in Bologna. Are there any transformation that many lack of such, senior Russian teaching reform him is no exception. The structure is divided into six departments: introduction includes topics of reason, research significance, research methods, foreign relevant literature review in the first chapter, the analysis of Bologna process occurs in the basic outline of the second chapter analysis Russia to participate in the cause of the Bologna Process Analysis of the third chapter deals with Russia in the Bologna process changes in Chapter IV of these measures at Moscow State University as an example case analysis in chapter five, the Bologna Process Russia rose higher education reformation achievements

