摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,俄语毕业论文,下载原文正常,俄语毕业论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 晋商从明朝至清末,历久纵横捭阖,逐利四海,雄踞商界达五个多世纪,其活泼时光之长,辐射规模之广,本钱之雄厚,运营之多样,谱写了有数使人注视的贸易传奇,个中对俄茶叶商业无疑是最值得浓墨重彩的一笔。中俄恰克图的茶叶商业可分为三个阶段,以1727年的《恰克图合同》和1851年的《中俄伊犁、塔尔巴哈章程》为界标,历经了由盛及衰的进程。1727年之前,茶叶在两邦交往中既是商品,又誉为礼物,此时,两国茶叶商业量是有时的、大批的,茶叶商业成长迟缓。1727年今后,恰克图被辟为中俄商业商埠,茶叶商业敏捷成长,进而转入黄金期,牢居两国商业之首。十九世纪五十年月起,恰克图商业渐趋式微,究其缘由,一方面沙俄入侵,迫使清当局签署了一系列不屈等合同,俄商运用其在华牟取的各类特权千般挤压晋商,晋商茶叶商业江河日下。1905年西伯利亚到海参崴的中东铁路全线守旧,晋商终究加入恰克图市场。本文从经济史角度动手,以中俄茶叶商业为例,起首对中俄茶叶商业概略停止回想,并在此基本上对晋商茶帮鼓起之缘由加以论述,继而从多个角度比拟剖析了在半殖平易近地半封建社会中,晋商与俄商在税负厘金待遇的异同,运输道路与运输措施的差别,和茶叶临盆措施上的分歧。终究,在中国近代史的重要抵触及其两年夜汗青义务基本上,为晋商茶帮提出感性前途。 Abstract: Shanxi merchants from the Ming Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, long-term maneuvers, profit Sihai, dominating the business of more than half a century, the lively time long, scale radiation wide, cost of strong, operation and the prevalence, wrote several people watched trade legend, medium of Russian tea business is undoubtedly the most worthy of thick Mo Chongcai make a pen. Sino Russian Kyakhta tea business can be divided into three stages, in 1727 "Kyakhta agreement and in 1851 the Russia ILI, Ta Er Ba ha Charter as the landmark, after the by the prosperity and decline of the process. Before 1727, tea in the two states in the exchange of goods, but also as a gift, at this time, the two tea business volume is sometimes, a large number of tea business growth retardation. In 1727 future, Kyakhta is warded commercial port between China and Russia, tea agile business growth, and then transferred to the golden period, prison ranks of business between the two countries for the first time. 1850s, Qiaketu trade gradually declined, investigate its reason, a Russian invasion, forcing the Qing government to sign contract of a series of unyielding, Russia's application in China to seek all privileges, extrusion of Shanxi, Shanxi tea business going from bad to worse. 1905 Siberia to Vladivostok Middle East Railway fogyish, Shanxi eventually joined the Kyakhta market. This article from the perspective of economic history, in Russia, the tea business, for example, chapeau on Sino Russian tea trade briefly stop back, and on this basis to merchants tea help muster reasons to be discussed, then from multiple perspectives comparative analysis in a semi colonial and semi feudal society, the difference between Jin merchants and Russian businessmen in the treatment of Likin tax, road transport and shipping method, and the difference of tea production methods on the differences. After all, in the conflict and its two important historical duty of modern Chinese history basically, Shanxi tea help put emotional future. 目录: 摘要 3-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 目录 7-9 第一章 导论 9-15 1.1 探讨目的和意义 9-10 1.1.1 探讨目的 9 1.1.2 探讨意义 9-10 1.2 国内外探讨近况 10-15 1.2.1 国内探讨近况 10-13 1.2.2 国外探讨近况 13-15 第二章 中俄茶叶贸易概览 15-27 2.1 清初茶叶既是礼品又是商品 15-16 2.2 清中叶步入茶叶贸易黄金期 16-20 2.2.1 《中俄恰克图条约》的签订 16-18 2.2.2 黄金期茶叶贸易盛况 18-20 2.3 晚清中俄茶叶贸易历经坎坷 20-27 2.3.1 近代不平等条约的限定 20-23 2.3.2 华商主动出击 23-25 2.3.3 缺失国权保护的尴尬处境 25-27 第三章 晋商茶帮 27-47 3.1 兴起条件 27-38 3.1.1 政策红利 27-32 3.1.2 地利优势 32-33 3.1.3 人和努力 33-36 3.1.4 茶的不可替代性 36-38 3.2 经营状况 38-47 3.2.1 生产与收购环节 38-39 3.2.2 运输过程及线路 39-42 3.2.3 销售模式 42-47 第四章 近代视阈下晋商茶帮的困厄 47-59 4.1 弱国无强商 47-52 4.1.1 半殖民地程度一步步加深 47-48 4.1.2 晋商的非国民待遇 48-50 4.1.3 俄商的超国民待遇 50-52 4.2 生产方式之制约 52-55 4.2.1 俄商在东南通商口岸纷纷开设工厂 52-53 4.2.2 资本主义机器生产对比封建主义作坊生产 53-55 4.3 单一运输路线 55-59 4.3.1 俄商多线路并举 55-57 4.3.2 晋商与俄商运输成本略论 57-59 第五章 晋商茶帮的理性出路 59-67 5.1 历史的无奈 59-63 5.1.1 近代中国的主要矛盾 59-61 5.1.2 近代中国两大历史任务 61-63 5.2 主观努力方向 63-67 5.2.1 生产工艺上克服因循守旧的心理 63-65 5.2.2 运输线路上打破墨守成规的做法 65 5.2.3 营销模式上坚守自保的商业底线 65-67 第六章 结语 67-69 参考文献 69-73 致谢 73-75 攻读学位期间的论文 75 |