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资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Power is the ancient industrial society and is affecting the world economic growth and national peace very main identity. It should be said that from the founding of the early, we face an energy security results. However, because of special Sino Soviet alliance relations set up and China's economic growth is slow, dynamic security problems have appeared. However, since the reform and opening up, along with the rapid development of China's economy, China's power demand increases ceaselessly, and the unlimited supply, large exports of crude oil has become protect our energy security is an indisputable reality. As China into the ranks of power export big country, in order to achieve stable domestic oil supply, must deal with good and oil producing country, oil cost relationship between countries and transportation of transit countries. This is assure to obtain the conditions of domestic power. However, because oil identity in international relations role increasingly apparent, and even into the ancient international relations of assimilation objects, each country plain near family benefits and national benefits differences, resulting in international relations is full of uncertainty. The Sino Russian relations as a case analysis of the uncertainty of the power export strategy in our country, explains how our choice accurate dynamic security strategy, protect the safety of China's power. This article take the Sino Russian relations as a case power of our security strategy research, the full text except the introduction is divided into three departments. In the introduction, the author on the results of this research significance and academic research state stop explained, and this paper touches the crux of concepts are defined. The first part describes the status quo of China's power safety performance and achievements. The first Department of China power of peace in history, then to our country power peace in the face of results from the following seven aspects: 1, China's power consumption structure is not reasonable, affecting China's energy security; 2, China's power is special oil demand increases agility, power supply and demand conflict is serious 3, China's oil exports; centralized, maritime transport channels; competition 4, China Petroleum important origin situation unrest, severe; 5, China's oil export dependence increases ceaselessly, our military communication influence in the oil origin is not strong; 6, the lack of mechanisms to deal with the international crude oil price is not stable; 7, our country has not set up the complete strategic petroleum reserve. The second section analyzes the uncertainty of China's power export strategy with the case of Sino Russian relations. This section first describes the needs of China's power export strategy. Because of the rapid development of China's economy, export momentum has become an indisputable reality, power outlet is to protect the inevitable choice for China's energy security. Then focuses from the uncertainty of the Sino Russian relations described because of the uncertainty of the power element to bring about international relations and of our country power export strategies in the harmful effects. The third part discusses the way to choose the uncertainty of Sino Russian relations under the situation of China's power exit strategy. First of all in the present circumstances, should continue to enhance the power of cooperation between China and Russia, and puts forward some countermeasures to promote Sino Russian power cooperation;

