摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 最近几年来中俄来往日益频仍,中俄两国各范畴的协作赓续扩展,请求我们可以或许实时地懂得最新的俄罗斯静态,这是中俄两国增强协作,互通友爱所必弗成少的。是以,俄语媒体报刊说话的汉译任务应当惹起更多的翻译研究者的看重。本文以Россия и Китай четыре века взаимодействия的翻译理论为例,重要剖析总结了俄、汉语中报刊政论体的说话特色,俄语论文范文,和转换翻译战略在媒体报刊说话中的运用,睁开对翻译转换战略的摸索,在查阅年夜量文献的基本上分离从词性层面、语法层面,俄语论文,修辞层面睁开胪陈并举例解释。最初,本文总结此次翻译理论的心得领会,以期进步翻译程度。 Abstract: In recent years China and Russia to frequent benefits in the past, each category of Sino Russian cooperation expands ceaselessly, request we can perhaps real-time know the latest Russian static, this is China and Russia to strengthen cooperation, exchange and friendship will Eph into less. It is the translation of the Chinese language and the language of the Russian media to talk. The applications of the translation theory. In China, me, me, me, pgfla souffl identified pronoun, which it is K's smart Highside pgfla me to Liapunov betel. Souffl, with it's me to, for example, analysis summarizes the Russian and Chinese newspaper published political speech characteristics, and translation strategies in the print media and talking, open to the translation turn change strategy of exploration in the investigation of the annual night documents basically isolated from the lexical level, grammatical level and rhetorical level open expatiatory and gives an example to explain. At first, this paper summarizes the translation theory's experience, in order to improve the degree of translation. 目录: 摘要 4 Аннотация 5-7 一、 俄汉报刊政论语体的相关概述 7-9 (一) 俄汉报刊政论语体的特点 7-8 (二) 俄汉报刊政论语体的异同 8-9 二、 俄汉转换翻译法 9-13 (一) 转换翻译法的含义 9-10 (二) 翻译转换法分类 10-13 1、 词性转换法 10-11 2、 语法转换法 11-12 3、 修辞转换法 12-13 (三) 转换翻译法的应用规则 13 三、 俄汉转换翻译法在翻译文本中的实际应用 13-23 (一) 对词、词组的翻译转换 13-17 1、 名词的换译 14-15 2、 动词的换译 15-16 3、 形容词换译 16-17 (二) 对肯否定句、主被动句的转换翻译 17-20 1、 肯否定句转换翻译 17-18 2、 主被动句转换翻译 18-20 (三) 修辞性转换翻译 20-23 1、 虚实词转换 20 2、 文化异同转换 20-23 参考文献 23-24 致谢 24-26 附件:原文/译文 26-71 |