
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

近几十年来,跟着经济和文明的成长,中俄两国之间的交换日趋频仍,交换规模日趋普遍,俄语毕业论文,从单层面的经济交换扩大到文明交换。两国当局也为其成长出台了相干卓有成效的政策。因为中国的国际位置敏捷突起,全球规模内鼓起一轮汉语热。人们都将久远和成长的眼力投向中国,使得中国文明成为全球酷爱汉语的人们急切进修的常识,中国文明与本国文明之间的比较同样成为炙手可热的研究项目和课题。汉语姓名文明作为中国文明主要的一部门,异样成为一个备受存眷的研究偏向,而且个中有许多隐含的文明身分更是值得研讨。 经由过程对中俄姓名停止深刻而体系地比较剖析和研究,可以扩大和丰硕姓逻辑学的研究,透视中俄两国深层的文明内在,有助于清除中俄跨文明交换中的偏误和消极身分,而且对汉语教授教养、俄语教授教养中涌现的负迁徙有积极作用,和对教材的编写具有参考感化。 本文的研究和商量基于以下几个学科的实际之上:辞汇学、语义学、语音学、说话类型学、社会说话学、文明说话学等。 我们重要运用两种办法:用时剖析法,比较研究法。 除绪论外,论文由五部门构成: 第一部门一中国人姓名研究。本章内容包含:中国姓名的汗青、来源、构造情势。要懂得中国人的姓名还有追溯其汗青的成长和变更。 第二部门一俄罗斯人姓名的研究。本章商量俄罗斯人姓名的起源和构造情势。 第三部门一俄罗斯人姓名俄汉翻译成绩与中国人姓名汉俄音译成绩。翻译是列国人和各类国际文明之间的主要交换对象,俄语论文题目,并且在交换进程中名字翻译是一个异常主要的成绩。本章商量的是对于俄罗斯人名(包含姓与父称)汉译成绩与中国人名译音成俄语(用西里尔文字音译)的成绩。在翻译进程中这个成绩常常形成一些艰苦。我们将经由过程剖析一些例子来商量中俄姓名翻译的重点,并将剖析姓名的特征与若何将个中的性别特色表现出来等成绩。 第四部门一汉俄姓名变更。中俄两国50年来的名的变更成长。 第五部门一结语。此部门猜测了中俄两边姓名在将来的成长趋向。


In recent years, along with the economic and cultural development, the exchange between the two countries have become more frequent, the exchange scale is more and more common, from the single level economic exchange to expand cultural exchange. The two countries have also introduced the relevant policies for the development of their growth. Because of China's international position of agile processes, the global scale of Chinese fever. People will be long and the growth of the eye to China, makes Chinese civilization has become a global Chinese people eager to learn a sense of comparison between civilization and civilization of the country China also become a hot research topic and project. As the main part of the Chinese civilization, the Chinese name of Chinese civilization has become an important research direction. Through the process of the Sino Russian name and the system to analyze and discuss, can expand and fruitful research on the Chinese and Russian culture, and help to clear the Sino Russian cross cultural exchange in the wrong and negative factors, but also to the Chinese teaching, Russian teaching in the emergence of negative transfer has positive influence, and the preparation of teaching materials has reference. This paper study and discuss the following practical disciplines based on lexical semantics: phonetics, words, typology, social science, science and civilization. We use two methods: using time analysis method, comparative study method. In addition to the introduction, the paper consists of five parts: the first part of the name of the Chinese people. The contents of this chapter include: the history of the Chinese name, the source of the structure, the structure of the situation. To understand the name of the Chinese people and to trace the history of the growth and change. Second research on the name of a russian. This chapter is to discuss the origin and structure of the Russian name. The third sector a Russian name and the Chinese translation of the name of the Chinese people and the name of the Chinese and russian. Translation is the main object of exchange between the nations and various international cultures. This chapter is to discuss about Russian names (including the name and the father said) Chinese translation scores and China names transliterated into Russian (Cyril text transliteration) results. In the process of translation, this result is often difficult to form. We will analyze some examples to discuss the translation of the name of the Chinese and Russian translation, and will analyze the characteristics of the name and how to show the characteristics of the gender characteristics and other results. Fourth Department of a Chinese and Russian name change. China and Russia 50 years of change and growth. The fifth section is a conclusion. This department has speculated that the name of the two sides in the future development trend of China and russia.

