
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Abstract: frost heaving and thaw settlement is rare in the permafrost zone, pipeline engineering achievements, has seriously affected the stability of the pipeline work conditions. Engineering geological characteristics of permafrost and its related engineering geological achievements are the challenges to the construction of pipeline engineering in permafrost regions in China. The to the completion of the operation of the China Russia crude oil pipeline project as the research object, in the later research and China Southwest Regional permafrost important characteristics and summarize the distribution discipline, joint research zone pipeline project construction theory, discusses and pipeline solid the coherence of the frost heaving and thawing settlement mechanism, summed up the influence of frost heaving and thaw, settling characteristics of important factors; according to the pipe support coherent standard and field measured data, to structured analysis method combined with vague comprehensive evaluation approach, task status of pipeline stopped comprehensive evaluation, has important practical and theoretical significance. Analysis of research notes, the spatial distribution of permafrost in the study area was not continued to spread, from north to south by the island permafrost region gradually transition to a fragmented Island permafrost area. Because of global warming, the trend of the degradation of permafrost is more significant, from the study area for many years, said the decline in permafrost, the northern part of the frozen soil is important to say more slowly, and the southern step back more intense. On the basis of the pipeline construction in the world within the scope of experience analysis, estimation of China Russia crude oil pipeline is broken firm situation important is permafrost thawing pipes caused by the Chinese new year night difference deformation. Influence of frost heaving and thaw sink function status have soil particle size composition, water content, dry density and temperature, of frozen soil freezing and thawing nature plays a leading and control effect. In addition, topography, vegetation cover, groundwater recharge and other factors on the nature of the freezing and thawing to accelerate and enhance the role of. On the comprehensive analysis of the influence factors of the influence and rectify the field measured data, this paper uses the method of systematic analysis of the combination of the mathematical theory of Sino Russian crude oil pipeline to stop the stability of comprehensive evaluation. Stability analysis adopts two levels of fuzzy evaluation model, select the 15 factors affecting the stability of the pipeline, and affirmed the different levels of boundary value. In the stability evaluation of the pipeline, the principle layer is adopted by the expert evaluation method and the 9 one two scale method. Pipeline vague comprehensive evaluation of the results of the annotation and research area of lots of differences of pipe conditions should be according to the stability evaluation results, take differences, reasonable strengthening methods and avoid damage growth.

