
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



This paper is to investigate the Russian and Chinese News Translation from the perspective of actual translation. With the coming of information age, China and other nations with increasingly close. We read through the process of translation of the news to know the news of other countries, but also the news of our country translated into other languages, so that the world people can get the information of our country in real time. Is to translate the message in the real-time exchange of Chinese and foreign information, promote the "four modernizations" construction to the very important role. However, we can see that the current news translation studies of language switching is important in English Chinese translation, and the translation between Chinese and Russian languages, not much. In recent years along with China and Russia in recent days Yi frequent, Sino Russian continuously expanded cooperation in all fields. This requests us may real-time know the latest Russian static, also let Russia national real time know the news of our country, it is China and Russia to strengthen cooperation, exchange and friendship will Eph into less. In view of this, the value of Russian and Chinese translation should cause more news translation researchers. The key point of this thesis is the translation of news translation theory and methods, which not only to the future of Russian and Chinese news translation has played a certain role, but also for the change into a new blood. Translation variation theory research in our country academia although not too long time, however, an increasing number of translation researchers begin to concern the actual, study its use in all types of texts, this study is translation variation in actual use in the text of the message. Translation is often used as a translation method, for example, the central television station's news reports often say, "this is the central television station reported that the". This paper is divided into the following departments. The first chapter is a brief introduction to news of the basic conditions: the value of news, the definition and the classification, news, message efficacy, news, and translation and news translation research. In the second chapter, the author summarizes the translation practice: analyze the relationship between the whole translation and the translation variation, and change the actual historical recall and the criterion and scale of the translation. In the third chapter, it analyzes the urgency and motivation of the translation of news translation: the characteristics of the separation of news translation, the target theory, the communication theory and the translator's subjectivity. This is the focus of this paper. The fourth chapter analyzes the translation strategies in the translation practice. This is also the focus of this article. The fifth chapter summarizes the full text, and then explains the translation, and explains the translation of the message to the translator's request.

