
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



In 2017, Russia and South Ossetia issues the mark sex into the lattice, the great and far-reaching effect should occur. The essence of Georgia conflict is about the geopolitical strategy for space between Russia and the United states. Because of this, the main reason is very practical, nature and influence from the perspective of geopolitics deeply discuss Russian Georgian conflict. This paper is divided into three sections. The first part analyses the origin, highlighting the conflict in georgia. This article thinks that the long-standing conflict in Georgia, is important on both sides of the political choice and strategic objective differences. The second part of the article, from the perspective of geopolitics, discuss the conflict in georgia. Including the status quo, Russia's geopolitical and geo strategic position of Georgia Russia and the United States to stop a new round of geopolitical rivalry. The third part of the article, analysis of international influence of Russia Georgia conflict.


中文摘要   4-5   英文摘要   5   引言   7-11       (一) 探讨目的及意义   7-8       (二) 国内外探讨近况   8-10       (三) 探讨措施   10-11   一、俄格冲突的由来、凸显   11-15       (一) 俄格冲突的由来   11-13       (二) 俄格冲突的凸显   13-15   二、俄格冲突的地缘政治因素   15-24       (一) 俄罗斯的地缘政治近况   15-18       (二) 格鲁吉亚的地缘战略地位   18-19       (三) 地缘政治大国的制衡—美国因素   19-24   三、俄格冲突的国际作用   24-31       (一) 对两国自身的作用   24-26       (二) 对独联体地区的作用   26-28       (三) 对美国等西方国家的作用   28-31   结语   31-32   参考文献   32-36   后记   36  
