
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Speech is the carrier of civilization, and address as a sensitive speech scene, it significantly reflects the social attributes, interpersonal relationships and values, and all social civilization, social civilization, political background, traditional habits and other intimate relations, it is the same transmission of all kinds of cultural information, but also reflects the social history of change, the deep understanding of the ethnic culture, and from each other, we can also or the diplomatic relations on both sides of the identity, location, age and pro cool and other additional information. The full text is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the definition and classification of address terms. In this chapter, we discuss the concept of the appellation terms of Russian and Chinese. Comparison between Russian and Chinese address terms in the second chapter. The study of Russian and Chinese kinship terms. We stop the analysis and comparison between the Russian and Chinese kinship terms and the social appellation in China and russia. Russian and Chinese kinship terms contain: Department of kinship appellation language comparison and in laws appellation language between the two departments; Russian and Chinese social appellations contain: title, general, name, person pronoun appellation and zero appellation etc.. The third chapter: the evolution and development of Russian and Chinese social appellation. This chapter explores the evolution and development of Chinese appellation terms from the growth and evolution of Chinese social appellation and the growth and evolution of Chinese appellation. It has been deduced that the social development has promoted the change and improvement of the social aspects, but also promoted the change of the social appellation. At the same time, the social development has caused the new change of address terms and its pragmatic functions.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   7-11   第一章 俄汉称呼语的分类   11-15       第一节 俄语称呼语的概念及分类   11-12           一、俄语称呼语的概念   11           二、俄语称呼语的分类   11-12       第二节 汉语称呼语的概念及分类   12-15           一、汉语称呼语的概念   12-13           二、汉语称呼语的分类   13-15   第二章 俄汉称呼语对比   15-40       第一节 俄汉亲属称呼语的对比   15-19           一、血亲称呼语的对比   15-18           二、姻亲称呼语的对比   18-19       第二节 社会称呼语的对比   19-40           一、职衔称呼语   19-22           二、通用称呼语   22-31           三、姓名称呼语   31-36           四、人称代词称呼语   36-37           五、零称呼   37-40   第三章 俄汉社会称呼语的发展演变探讨   40-45       第一节 俄语社会称呼语的发展演变探讨   40-42           一、苏联时期以前   40           二、苏联时期以后   40-42       第二节 汉语社会称呼语的发展演变探讨   42-45           一、改革开放前   42-44           二、改革开放后   44-45   结语   45-46   参考文献   46-49   附录 1   49-51   附录 2   51-53   附录 3   53-55   致谢   55  
