
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Nicola Alexeyevich Sbeshnev, Chinese name our green, born August 13, 1931 in Beijing, died on 14 June 2017 in St. Petersburg, life legend, diligent, between China and Russia in gap a special friendship bridge. Si Gelin is modern Russia's famous Sinologist and linguists, St. Petersburg University Department of Western teaching, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev's simultaneous translation, is also the world Chinese teaching to perform, chairman of the committee, members of the European Society of Chinese scientists, all Russian Sinologist Association and St. Petersburg, Russia China Friendship Association. He started from Chinese phonetics, in the field of Chinese talking and singing literature and plain near family mind set on the eve of the, lifetime with academic papers more than 150 articles (Department), wrote the introduction to Chinese "," Chinese popular literature, rap style "," Chinese people: plain near family psychological characteristics "monographs, translation of the" Lao She's humorous essay collection ", how the Grinch Stole earthly," my country and my plain near "," my first half "," never far "and other classics. Although our green in Russia, and even the world Sinology occupy an important position, but today in the international haven't specifically system research of his academic accomplishments, some of his excellent work has not been known by Chinese readers. This paper is divided into three chapters: our green living, study of Chinese popular literature and Chinese plain near family mind seminar, our green and moderate work from the start, analysis of the results of his research, summarizes the study of his contribution, and belong to the same category Sinologist awkward difficult ratio to evaluate the characteristics of his research. Through the process of its academic thinking and research, we can help us from the perspective of the people, to be familiar with their own, to provide a way for the teaching of foreign language, as well as the supply of public and folk culture, the profound exchange of Chinese and Russian culture.


摘要   5   Pe3ioMe   6-10   绪论   10-13   第一章 司格林其人其事   13-25       第一节 北京,“我”童年的故乡   13-18           1.1.1 父辈渊源   13-14           1.1.2 在中国受教育   14-15           1.1.3 《北京,我童年的故乡》   15-18       第二节 教学活动   18-19       第三节 主要社会活动   19-22           1.3.1 同传笔记   19-21           1.3.2 与中国名人的交往   21           1.3.3 中俄政治文化交流   21-22       第四节 学术成果综述   22-25   第二章 中国俗文学探讨   25-35       第一节 俗文学的定义及国外汉学界的探讨近况   26-28       第二节 《中国俗文学》的主要内容   28-32       第三节 学术特点及价值   32-35   第三章 中国人的民族心理探讨   35-51       第一节 国内外探讨近况   35-38       第二节 《中国人:民族心理特征》的主要内容   38-47           3.2.1 中国人民族心理的形成基础--理想人格“内圣外王”   39-40           3.2.2 中国人的思维方式--形象思维   40-42           3.2.3 人际关系--权力,面子,人情   42-43           3.2.4 家庭生活--子女教育,婚姻,性生活   43-45           3.2.5 审美   45-46           3.2.6 中国式幽默   46-47       第三节 学术特点及意义   47-51           3.3.1 学术特点   47-49           3.3.2 汉学意义   49-51   结语   51-53   附录:司格林主要作品列表   53-58   参考文献   58-60   致谢   60-61   个人简历   61  
