摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文以周树范边政办法研究为题,俄语论文题目,重要研究周树范担负黑龙江第二任巡抚后,针对黑龙江经济瘫痪、边防充实等成绩所采用的政策办法。周树范任职正值清当局深处内忧内乱,对边境事业治理力有未逮时代,中国黑龙江边患日趋严重。在内忧内乱的压力下,周树范谨小慎微,消除万难,任职四年间联合黑龙江现状,在政治、经济、文明、交际等方面停止了一系列的改造,成就斐然,建树卓绝。特殊是在交际上,屡次对俄交涉,签署了《中俄满洲里界约》,保卫了国度主权,为保护国度边境稳固,推进黑龙江各业成长做了伟大进献。本论文以周树范担负黑龙江巡抚时代上奏的200多封奏折内容为史料依托,俄语论文范文,出现周树范担负巡抚时代的边政办法内容,剖析其边政办法给黑龙江带来的严重作用。周树范的边政办法年夜体可分为六个部门,分离为政治办法、经济办法、军事办法、文明办法、交际办法和禁烟办法,这也是本文的研究重点。个中政治办法重要包含整理处所行政、整理吏治;经济办法重要包含移平易近开荒、创办实业、构筑途径;禁烟办法重要是禁种雅片、遏制烟毒;文明办法重要是创办黉舍、嘉奖边疆教员;军事办法重要包含改造军制、反抗匪贼、设立卡伦;交际办法重要内容包含刊定商埠、请求俄国还我江东六十四屯,和签署《中俄满洲里界约》,也是最能表现周树范边政办法的主要精髓地点。经由过程这六部门内容的剖析,归纳综合周树范边政办法的精华,并阐释其对黑龙江政治、经济、文明成长的主要作用,和对当今边境成长的启发。 Abstract: In this paper, to Zhou Shufan frontier research methods for the title, the important research Zhou Shufan responsible for the second term governor of Heilongjiang, in view of the Heilongjiang economic paralysis, border enrichment scores the policies and measures. Zhou Shufan tenure coincided with the Qing authorities deep internal strife, on the border of the career management or age, China's Heilongjiang edge had become more and more serious. Under the pressure of internal strife, cautious Zhou Shufan, eliminate all kinds of hardships, serving four years in United Heilongjiang status, to stop a series of transformation in the political, economic, cultural and social aspects, the achievement is striking, extraordinary achievements. Especially in the communication, repeatedly on the Sino Russian negotiations, signed the "Sino Russian Treaty of Manzhouli", to defend the national sovereignty, in order to reinforce the protection of national borders, to promote Heilongjiang industries development made a great contribution. This paper Zhou Shufan responsible governor of Heilongjiang era played on more than 200 seal memorials content to rely on historical data, Zhou Shufan responsible for governor era frontier way content, the frontier analysis to the Heilongjiang bring serious impact. Zhou Shufan frontier approach of the eve of the body can be divided into six departments and separation for the political, economic, military measures, civilized approach, communicative approach and anti smoking measures, this is the research focus. Medium political measures important reorganization contains local administrative, sorting administration; economic measures include the shift plain near the open up wasteland, the founder of industrial and construction approach; important way of ban on opium smoking and the opium trade is banned the planting of opium, contain toxic smoke; civilization important solutions is founded schools, Faculty of Frontier rewards; military measures include the transformation of military system, against bandits thief, the establishment of Karen; communicative approach contains journal set port, asked Russia also I Jiangdong 64 Tun, and signed the "Sino Russian Treaty of Manzhouli", is the most principal place of essence Zhou Shufan frontier policy measures of performance. Through the analysis of the process of the six departments, inductive frontier approach to comprehensive Zhou Shufan essence, and explain the Heilongjiang's political, economic, and cultural growth the main influence, and to today's border growth inspired. 目录: 摘要 7-8 Abstract 8-9 一、 绪论 10-14 (一) 、周树模生平简介 10-11 (二) 、国内外探讨近况 11-12 (三) 、探讨意义和探讨措施 12-14 二、 周树模边政方法形成的原因 14-21 (一) 、黑龙江行政区域的历史沿革与清末边疆危机的日益加深 14-16 (二) 、“清末新政”下的改革契机 16-18 (三) 、周树模边政方法的形成因素 18-21 1.经世致用思想的作用 18-19 2.出国考察后认识的升华 19-21 三、 边疆危机下的边政方法 21-40 (一) 、完善吏治、任贤用明的政治举措 21-23 1.完善行政机构、合理添设官吏 21-22 2.提升官吏素质,任用贤明之士 22-23 (二) 、移民垦荒、兴办矿业的经济方法 23-28 1.移民垦荒,充实边防 24-26 2.整顿税收,增加收入 26-27 3.兴办煤矿公司 27-28 (三) 、兴办新学、提携人才的文化方案 28-30 (四) 、遏烟毒、正风气的禁烟壮举 30-32 (五) 、强军制、固边防的军事改革 32-35 1.改革军制、加强巡防 32-33 2.消除匪患,稳定内防 33-34 3.设立卡伦 34-35 (六) 、捍国权、驱强寇的外交魄力 35-40 1.改订齐齐哈尔商埠区域 35-36 2.与俄国交涉归还江东六十四屯 36-37 3.《中俄满洲里界约》的签订 37-40 四、 周树模治边方法的作用 40-45 (一) 、对黑龙江流域军政体系发展的作用 40-41 (二) 、对黑龙江流域经济文化发展的作用 41-43 (三) 、对黑龙江流域边防外交的作用 43-45 结论 45-46 参考文献 46-49 攻读学位期间的学术论文 49-51 致谢 51 |