摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 交际文明,是一国在其汗青成长进程中,在其与内部世界来往中构成的一种奇特的交际思惟、熟悉和艺术综合体。懂得和控制俄罗斯交际文明,对更加深入地解读俄罗斯交际政策和掌握俄罗斯联邦的交际趋向具有非常主要的意义。“弥赛亚认识”(messianic consciousness)是俄罗斯交际文明的主要构成部门。“弥赛亚认识”源自宗教辞汇“弥赛亚”(Messiah),意指某个群体或平易近族以为本身赋有解救世界的任务。俄罗斯平易近族历久信仰东正教,“弥赛亚认识”异常激烈,俄语论文网站,而且俄罗斯的“弥赛亚认识”融会了俄罗斯平易近族的传统文明与东正教文明,又经由俄罗斯学者数百年的弥补和完美,衍生出一整套的实际和不雅念,早已超越了宗教领域而融入了俄罗斯平易近族的魂魄,成为俄罗斯平易近族的焦点价值不雅之一。俄罗斯的“弥赛亚认识”从初步构成开端,就对交际政策发生了主要作用并连续至今。但是,“弥赛亚认识”对俄罗斯交际政策的作用力并不是原封不动,而是曲折升沉,赓续变更。找出作用力变更的纪律对我们研究俄罗斯交际史、懂得俄罗斯现行交际政策和对交际政策的变更趋向具有必定指点意义。 Abstract: Culture and communication, is a country in its history in the growing process of in contacts constitute the inner world of a peculiar communication thought, familiar and arts complex. To understand and control of the Russian cultural communication, to more in-depth interpretation of Russian foreign policy and master of the Russian Federation communication tend to have a very important significance. "Messiah" (messianic consciousness) is the main part of Russian civilization communication. "Messiah" from religious rhetoric "Messiah" (Messiah), refers to a group or plain near family thought itself endowed with save the world. Russian ethnic long-term orthodox faith, "Messiah" fierce and Russia's "Messiah know fusion" the Russian ethnic traditional culture and the orthodox civilization, and through hundreds of years of Russian scholars make up and perfect, derived from a whole set of actual and ideas, has already gone beyond the field of religion into the soul of the Russian plain near family, become one of the focus value of the Russian ethnic indecent. Russia's "Messiah" from the beginning of the preliminary form, foreign policy has had an important impact and has continuous. But the "Messiah" communication policy on Russia's influence is not invariable, but twists and turns heave, ceaseless change. Find the change the influence discipline of our study Russian history of communication, understand the current communication policy of Russia and a change of communication policy tend to have a certain guiding significance. 目录: 前言 6-10 一、本课题的探讨对象与选题意义 6-7 二、本课题探讨近况 7-8 三、本文框架结构与探讨措施 8 四、本文的创新点 8-10 第一章 俄罗斯“弥赛亚意识”的由来和发展 10-24 第一节 犹太教和基督教的“弥赛亚” 10-13 第二节 “弥赛亚意识”在俄罗斯的萌芽和初步发展 13-19 第三节 19 世纪后的“弥赛亚意识” 19-24 第二章 “弥赛亚意识”对俄罗斯外交政策的作用 24-36 第一节 公国时期 24-27 第二节 帝国时期 27-32 第三节 苏联时期 32-36 第三章 俄罗斯联邦中“弥赛亚意识”对外交政策的作用 36-46 第一节 当代俄罗斯社会思潮中的“弥赛亚意识” 36-38 第二节 “弥赛亚意识”作用俄联邦外交的途径 38-40 第三节 “弥赛亚意识”对俄罗斯联邦外交政策的作用 40-46 第四章 “弥赛亚意识”作用俄罗斯外交政策的规律 46-50 第一节 “弥赛亚意识”作用外交政策途径的变化规律 46-47 第二节 “弥赛亚意识”作用外交政策的时间变化规律 47-50 结语:俄罗斯联邦外交政策展望 50-52 参考书目 52-55 后记 55 |