
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   Chapter 1 Introduction 绪论   11-17       1.1 Background, objective and significance of the subject课题背景及探讨的目的和意义   11-13           1.1.1 Subject background课题探讨背景   11-12           1.1.2 Objective and significance of the subject探讨目的和意义   12-13       1.2 The object and methods of research课题探讨的对象与措施   13-14           1.2.1 Subject and object of study探讨对象   13-14           1.2.2 Methods of study探讨措施   14       1.3 Mein research contents of the subject主要探讨内容   14-17   Chapter 2 Background of the Art Nouveau appearance in Russia 俄罗斯新艺术建筑的产生背景   17-39       2.1 General Historical Background历史背景   17-25           2.1.1 The industrial revolution 工业革命   19-20           2.1.2 Bourgeois reforms 1860s and architecture1860年代的资产阶级改革以及对建筑的作用   20-22           2.1.3 International relations国际关系   22-23           2.1.4 Cultural background文化背景   23-24           2.1.5 Architecture of the metropolitan cities大都市的建筑   24-25       2.2 Factors affecting the appearance and development of the Far East cities作用远东城市出现与(和)城市发展的因素   25-33           2.2.1 Immigration policy移民政策   27-28           2.2.2 Construction of railways铁路建设   28-30           2.2.3 Promotion of trade,including the introduction of the Port   30           2.2.4 Encouragement of foreign capital鼓励外资   30-31           2.2.5 Development of the industry 工业发展   31-32           2.2.6 Development of agriculture农业发展   32           2.2.7 Russian-Japanese war(1904-1905)and the First World War (1914-1918)日俄战争(1904-1905)与第一次世界大战(1914-1918)   32-33       2.3 Architectural background of the Far East cities远东城市的建筑背景   33-38           2.3.1 Khabarovsk哈巴罗夫斯克   34-35           2.3.2 Vladivostok海参崴   35-36           2.3.3 Blagoveshensk海兰泡   36-38       2.4 Summery本章小结   38-39   Chapter 3 Far Eastern Art Nouveau style features 远东新艺术建筑的风格特点   39-64       3.1 Art Nouveau stylizations新艺术建筑的风格化   39-53           3.1.1 Decorative art nouveau:use of European Neo styles装饰新艺术:欧洲新风格的运用   39-42           3.1.2 “Facade”Art Nouveau style“立面”新艺术   42-44           3.1.3 Rational art nouveau理性新艺术   44-46           3.1.4 Neo-Russian style新俄罗斯风格   46-48           3.1.5 Constructivism in the art nouveau新艺术中的结构主义   48-49           3.1.6 “Brick” art nouveau“砖构”新艺术   49-51           3.1.7 Neoclassicism新艺术中的新古典主义   51-53       3.2 Characteristic features of art nouveau architecture in the Far East远东地区新艺术建筑的典型特征   53-56           3.2.1 Connection with Manchurian architecture与中国东北建筑的关联   54-55           3.2.2 Northern Art Nouveau(St Petersburg Art Nouveau)“北方”新艺术(圣彼得堡新艺术)   55-56       3.3 Features of the details细部特色   56-63           3.3.1 Floral motifs花卉主题   57-58           3.3.2 Mascarons头像   58-60           3.3.3 Geometric ornament几何装饰   60-61           3.3.4 Texture纹理   61-63       3.4 Summery本章小结   63-64   Chapter 4 The transformation of the architectural image of the FarEastern Art Nouveau 远东新艺术建筑形象的演变   64-85       4.1 Far Eastern Art Nouveau style periodization远东新艺术风格的分期   65-69           4.1.1 Connection of the art nouveau transformation with historicaland economical factors与新艺术演变相关的历史和经济因素   65-67           4.1.2 Connection of the art nouveau transformation with thebuilding functional type与新艺术演变相关的建筑功能类型   67-68           4.1.3 The Art Nouveau style popularity新艺术风格的普及   68-69       4.2 Art Nouveau style transformation of different types of the buildings不同建筑类型的新艺术风格演变   69-85           4.2.1 Public buildings公共建筑   70-73           4.2.2 Commercial buildings商业建筑   73-81           4.2.3 Residential buildings居住建筑   81-85   Conclusion结论   85-86   Referenses参考文献   86-90   Papers published at the period of Masters Degree education攻读学位期间的学术论文   90-92   Acknowledgements致谢   92-94   Resume个人简历   94-95   Attachment papers附录   95-139  
