摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 曾是世界上最具实力的高级教导系统之一的前苏联高级教导在教导财务体系体例上实施的是单一拨款形式,其经费总额中有98%由国度财务拨款。现实上,在单一拨款形式下,任何一个国度的经济才能都很难真正到达对教导经费的充足知足。苏联崩溃后,俄罗斯继续了前苏联年夜部门主权,成为在政治、经济、军事等方面都与曩昔判然不同的主权国度。但俄罗斯的经济一向处于连续阑珊的不景气状况,财务支出年夜幅削减,预算赤字居高不下,国度再也有力包办高级教导所需经费,为了与新的政治轨制和经济运转体系体例相顺应,俄罗斯联邦当局对其高级教导拨款停止了严重改造。同时,为了追求高级教导的有用成长机制,停止了积极的摸索和测验考试。本文重要分为五个部门:第一部门,俄罗斯高级教导事业成长简况。为了增强国际交换与协作,俄罗斯对高级教导学制和学位轨制停止了改造,肯定了多级高级教导学制构造。引见剖析了俄罗斯高级教导机构及在校生的成长情形。第二部门,苏联时代,高级教导在财务体系体例上属于单一拨款体系体例。自实行市场经济今后,俄罗斯当局测验考试树立新的拨款体系体例,将高级教导财务全体由国度预算拨款的状态改变为国度与社会配合承当。对高校实施多级财务轨制,把高级教导的经费划为联邦预算拨款、地域和处所拨款,国度不再作统收统支。年夜学可以经由过程实行免费教导、从事经济性运动、展开有偿教导办事停止多渠道张罗办学经费。改造的一项主要内容就是树立了实名制国度财务券。今朝,从俄罗斯高级教导经费起源渠道的组成看,国度财务拨款是主体,当局预算外的教导基金、世界银行教导存款、公司赞助与投资、向先生免费和与国外结合办学取得的膏火都处在附属位置。第三部门,“实名制国度财务券”是俄罗斯在高级教导财务范畴的一项创举。这项新轨制与俄以后履行的国度同一测验轨制相挂钩,即依据先生加入全国统考的测验成就,分品级向每一个年夜先生供给年度财务担保。这类担保不作为现金发放给先生,而只是依据成就发放给先生响应的债券,国度依据债券以财务拨款的情势划拨给先生就学的年夜学。文章对实名制国度财务券的配景、实行情形作了详实的概述,并就其对俄罗斯高级教导拨款的积极作用和消极作用停止了客不雅评价。第四部门,俄罗斯高级教导拨款的配套办法--先生赞助。斟酌到一些部分的人力缺乏和赓续上升的高级教导收入,俄教导官员提议引进当局赞助筹划。包含:直接赞助、直接赞助、存款赞助和混杂赞助。同时,从2002年起开端实施的新助学金轨制,包含社会性助学金和学术性助学金。并评论辩论要树立年夜众教导存款体系,以存款的情势来填补高级教导拨款缺乏的现状。第五部门,经由过程对俄罗斯高级教导拨款改造的研究和剖析,有助于我国高级教导在新的汗青成长时代以俄罗斯高级教导拨款改造为自创,汲取俄罗斯高级教导经费多元化的张罗体系体例,慎密联合我国社会成长现状,积极开拓合适我国国情的多样化的高级教导经费张罗渠道,为我国高级教导疾速、稳固、安康地成长供给坚实的经济基本。 Abstract: Was one of the world's most powerful advanced education system, the former Soviet Union advanced education in the teaching of financial system is the implementation of a single form of funding, the total amount of its funds are 98% by the state financial. In fact, in the form of a single grant, the economic capacity of any country is difficult to truly reach the adequate content of teaching funds. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia continued to the former Soviet Union Nianye sector sovereignty, become and past disparate national sovereignty in the political, economic, military and other fields. But Russia's economy has been in a continuous recession recession situation, the eve of the financial expenditure amplitude cuts, high budget deficits, country to powerful arranged higher education requirements, and new political system and economic system operation style to adapt, the authorities of the Russian Federation on the senior education funding stopped serious reform. At the same time, in order to pursue the useful growth mechanism of the advanced education, the positive exploration and test is stopped. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, the Russian higher education career. In order to strengthen the international exchange and cooperation, Russia has made the transformation to the higher education system and the academic degree system. The analysis of the development of the Russian higher education institutions and students. The second sector, the Soviet era, advanced education in the financial system is a single system of funding. Since the implementation of the market economy in the future, the Russian authorities test to establish new system of funding style, higher education finance all by the state budget appropriation of state change for the state and society with the bear. On the implementation of multi-level financial system, the higher education funds designated as federal budget allocations, regional and local funding, the country will no longer be unified system branch. University can through the process of implementation of free education, engaged in economic movement, paid to teach service stop multiple channels to raise funds for the school. One of the main contents of the transformation is to establish a real name system of national financial bonds. Today, from the composition of Russian higher education funds origin channel, of the national financial allocations is the subject, the budget authority teaching fund, the world bank, teach deposits, corporate sponsorship and investment, to free and and abroad with schools obtain tuition in subsidiary position. The third sector, the "real country financial vouchers" is a pioneering work in higher education financial category of russia. The new rail system and Russia to fulfill the country to test the same rail system linked to that according to join Mr. national examination of the achievement test and grade to each university student supply annual financial guarantee. This kind of guarantee not as cash granted to students, but only based on the achievement issued to respond to Mr. bond, the state according to bond financial appropriation of the situation to transfer to Mr. schooling, of the University. This paper gives a detailed overview of the situation and the implementation of the real name system, and the positive impact and negative impact on the funding of the advanced education in Russia. The fourth sector, Russia's advanced education funding supporting approach - mr.. Considering the lack of some part of human and continuously rising income of higher education, the Russian teaching officials proposed introduction of government funded plan. Includes: direct sponsorship, direct sponsorship, deposit sponsorship, and hybrid sponsorship. At the same time, from 2002 onwards, the implementation of the new student financial system, including social grants and academic grants. And comment on the debate to establish a public education system, to deposit the situation to fill the lack of senior education funding status quo. The five departments, through the process of Russian higher education funding reform research and analysis, help to our country's higher education in the new historical development period in Russian higher education funding reform is own, learn Russian higher education funding diversification of appealing system style, wary of the close combination in our society develops the current situation, actively explore the suitable for the situation of our country, the diversification of higher education funding channels appealing, for our country higher education rapid, steady and healthy growth of basic supply solid economic. 目录: |