
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

Small (partial) battle achievement and the so-called "cold war" often mainly in our international society length. There is always a lot of reasons for the fighting, and most of them still need to be dealt with. In this article I try to understand why these conflicts often occur in the future. As a case study, I analyze the fighting between Russia and Georgia, is a big country, the Soviet Union, the two departments. I as a Russian national concern abnormal combat and the former Soviet Union limits the so-called "infighting". There is very little research, but recently there is a Georgia, in this paper was written before. Worried about the Russian frontier skirmishes achievements is not only the Russian nationals, and its neighbors and the international community as a whole nation. This year's new conflict has begun, between Russia and Ukraine. I hope this article in PI perverted research that conflict is helpful to share, especially helps to find a way to stop future conflict. This topic is "absurd to say fighting. A case study of Gross and georgia." The important research achievement is "fighting Georgia is the emergence of relationship called the situation in two countries in the wrong?" According to the research results, the important don't ya is "an important reason for the conflict is from nature in Russia and Georgia, two country PI paradox says the relationship between". Have different ways to understand the absurd conflict results considered that. Recall the conflict of different types, I chose the Brantly Womack proposed PI perverted said the actual fighting, as the study of basic theory. Womack explains his actual first from the situation of bilateral relations and put his actual applied to regional and global multilateral relations. Womack tries to explain between the nations is how in PI paradox says relationship can maintain the stable contact. At the same time, he shows the will lead to inconsistent, reason of conflict and fighting. According to the thought of Womack, a PI paradox says the relationship can be seen as a complete the normal relationship is modified to they don't need. However, the total beneficial and wrong said system difference relationship strength on both sides of the indecent. Weaker sectors pay more attention to this relationship, because it is more risky. At the same time, the stronger side of the bilateral relationship is the weak strength of the. It makes the weak side a paranoid, is to treat this relationship, not the point difference will lead to misunderstanding and cause conflict. Such absurd says fighting and many other reasons, they are in the second and fourth chapter of the detailed description. Womack's PI perverted call actual fighting to research a greater power and smaller country conflict provides a sound framework. Analysis of the case is the recent war between Russia and Georgia in 2017. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, between Russia and Georgia emerged absurd relationship. There are obvious differences between the two countries in terms of ability. Russia is a big country, with great economic and military capital (including nuclear weapons), with the world the most of the eve of the area of land (over 170 million square kilometers), and more population (about 1.5 million people). Georgia is a small country (about 70000 square kilometers), about 4 million 500 thousand of the population. Although Russia and Georgia is the new political ligand, they remain a nearly 15 years of solid relationship because they adhere to the relationship between the superior and the so-called "national defense and autonomous equilibrium". But some of the identity of the emergence of such a balanced active shake. The first reason is the unique right relationship. In 2004 Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia to step down after moving in, he began the relationship between new politics, and Russia and Georgia had degenerated. The other reason for the conflict is the misunderstanding between the two countries. Georgia is worried that its independence and Russia cannot be fully respected. Because of Russia's ability to be strong, it rarely concern in Georgia, and Georgia to concern Russia in the past. This kind of situation is due to a point of risk in Georgia, because the Russian threat to Georgia is bigger, and vice versa. On Russia, the main is the Georgia push back in the same place, not only is stagnant sub, is bound to its attention concern other grades. Russia and Georgia have no way to keep the balance of respect and independence. These two countries have made a test of their own experience to guess the fault of another country. This has led to a misunderstanding between the two countries. When the fight begins, Russia and Georgia have given their battle for mobilization. Georgia said, this is in response to South Ossetia peacekeepers and village onslaught, Russia is moving non peacekeeping troops into the country and provoke the onslaught of the Georgian army. Russia, anti claimed in the past to Georgia to become defenders of South Ossetia, this kind of infringement of the results is a humanitarian disaster, 30000 refugees, Russian peacekeepers and residents near death. Georgia's defense is characterized as genocide, and Russia's behavior is the need of humanitarian intervention and forced the war. And there are two countries that are not declared.

