摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文研究了从俄罗斯引进的18份野生白三叶种类在扬州地域的发展顺应性、饲用性与景不雅坪用性,对这18份种类停止了综合评价,俄语论文,并初步获得了一个合适白三叶草坪质量评价的尺度。实验成果以下1。顺应性及饲用性研究注解,5号、12号、13号与14号种类在产量、株高、养分品德、越夏率等方面表示出平衡的优良性,可以或许顺应南边长江中下流地域的气象情况,与育成的对比种类比拟,差距不年夜,是有着优越饲用品德潜能的野生白三叶种类,联合物候期的不雅察,这4个种类宜在二月下旬拔节期追肥,5号种类的初茬刈割时光合适支配在四月中旬,12号、13号和14号种类合适在四月上旬停止第一次刈割。3号、4号、6号种类不顺应扬州地域的栽种情况, 11号与16号则在养分品德上存在缺点。其他9个野生种类的饲用品德不高,然则能顺应扬州地域的栽种情况,可以根据分歧临盆目标、分歧运用措施有选择的加以运用。2。坪用特征研究注解,5号、9号和16号这3个野生白三叶种类的坪用性评价最好,到达良,合适坪用;3号、4号、11号、13号和14号这5个种类的坪用性评价为差,不合适坪用。其他10个种类的坪用性评价为中。联合越夏率及夏后复壮速度研究剖析, 5号和9号种类最合适在扬州地域作为不雅赏性坪用草种推行应用。经由过程对18份野生白三叶的叶面积、密度和高度这3个实测坪用目标的方差剖析,从差别明显性动手,俄语论文题目,将这些数目目标划分出5个品级,再与绿期、色彩和均一性三个目标品级相联合,得出了一个比拟合适白三叶草坪质量评价的尺度。3。18份野生种类中,年夜部门种类的饲用与坪用价值不高,但都顺应在扬州地域栽种;3号、4号、6号种类不顺应扬州地域的低温气象;12号、13号、14号种类在顺应性、饲用性上表示优良,但坪用价值不高;9号、16号种类在坪用价值上表示优良,但饲用价值不高;5号是饲用、坪用皆可的优良种类,合适在扬州地域栽种运用。 Abstract: Were discussed in this paper imported from Russia, of 18 accessions of wild white clover species in the development of Yangzhou region adaptation, feeding and scene don't ya Ping use, for the 18 kinds of comprehensive evaluation, and acquired the initial scale of a suitable white clover turf quality evaluation. The results of the experiment are as follows 1. No. No. No. 4 kinds of forage bred No. No. No. No. compliance and forage research notes, 5, 12, 13 and 14 species in yield, plant height, nutrient character, over summering rate balance of good, may conform to the south of the Yangtze River downstream region meteorological conditions, and comparison of species compared to the gap is not big, is a superior moral capacities of wild white clover, joint phenology observations, this species should be in late February jointing fertilizer, 5 kinds of stubble cutting time is right to dominate in mid April, 12, 13 and 14 species in four month stops at the first time cutting. Yangzhou does not comply with the regional plant No. 3, No. 4, No. 6 species, No. 11 and No. 16 in nutrient character flaws. Nine other wild species of forage quality is not high, however can conform to the Yangzhou region of planting condition, can according to different production purposes, using different methods have chosen to be applied. 2. Ping feature research notes, No. 5, 9 and 16 was the three wild white clover species of Ping use evaluation is the best to reach the good and suitable turf; No. 3, No. 4, 11, 13 and 14, the five kinds of Ping with evaluation as poor, not suitable for turf. The other 10 types of evaluation of turf. Combined with the summer and the summer survival rate and after rejuvenation speed research and analysis, No. 5 and No. 9 types of the most suitable in Yangzhou area as indecent ornamental turf to promote the use of. By a process of 18 accessions of wild white clover leaf area, height and density of the three measured Ping with the goal of analysis of variance, obvious difference from the start, the number of objectives can be divided into five grades, and green period, color and uniformity of three target grade, obtained a relatively suitable white clover turf quality evaluation scale. 3. 18 accessions of wild species, Nianye sector kinds of forage and turf quality is not high, but all follow in Yangzhou area planted; do not comply with the No. 3 and No. 4 and No. 6 kinds of Yangzhou region of low temperature weather; No. 12, 13, 14 species in compliance, feeding on said excellent, but turf value is not high; 9, 16 species in the Ping value indicated excellent, but feeding value is not high; No. 5 is forage and turf all excellent species, suitable in Yangzhou area planted application. 目录: |