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资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

我国苹果矮砧集约栽培急需抗寒矮化砧木,但是临盆上可供给用的抗寒矮化砧木稀疏。本实验以引进俄罗斯的三种苹果抗寒矮化砧木(71一3一150、60一160和BP一176)和国际经常使用的六种苹果矮化砧木(M9、M26、SH6、SH18、GM256和GM310)为试材,查询拜访了苹果矮化砧木的植物学特点及生物学特征,树立了苹果矮化砧木的组织造就及再生系统,测定了苹果矮化砧木的抗寒性,树立了苹果矮化砧木比拟实验园,为在临盆上推行应用苹果抗寒矮化砧木供给了实际基本。实验重要成果以下 1。以引进俄罗斯的71一3一150、60一160、BP一176三种苹果抗寒矮化砧木为实验资料,查询拜访了苹果矮化砧木的植物学特点及生物学特征。71一3一150一年生枝均匀节间长度为1。85 cm,均匀粗度为0。84 cm。60一160一年生枝均匀节间长度为2。38 cm,均匀粗度为0。67 cm。BP一176一年生枝均匀节间长度为2。40 cm,均匀粗度为0。77 cm。71一3一150、60一160和BP一176三种砧木叶片叶长和叶宽与叶面积之间的二元线性回归方程分离为y=33。3268 x1/91。4177 x2一4641。7673;y=38。0463 x1/67。7382 x2一3715。8502;y=40。5318x1/67。3950 x2一3985。8646。 2。以引进俄罗斯的71一3一150、60一160、BP一176的茎尖为外植体,取得了无菌试管苗;以试管苗叶片为外植体树立了离体再生系统。重要成果以下 (1)苹果无菌试管苗的取得合适71一3一150茎尖初代造就的造就基为MS/BA1。0 mg/L/NAA0。1 mg/L,合适BP一176和60一160茎尖初代造就的造就基为MS/BA0。5 mg/L/NAA0。05 mg/L;合适71一3一150和60一160继代增殖的造就基为MS/BA0。3 mg/L/IBA0。03 mg/L,合适BP一176继代增殖的造就基为MS/BA0。5 mg/L/IBA0。05 mg/L。 (2)叶片不定芽分化以BP一176为实验试材,研究了叶片暗处置时光、叶片分歧接种措施和分歧植物发展调理剂对叶片分化不定芽的作用。成果注解叶片最好暗造就时光为14d,以远轴面接触造就基再失效果好,且在两种接种措施下叶片再生率和再生芽数差别明显。合适BP一176叶片再生不定芽分化的造就基为MS/BA4。0 mg/L/NAA0。3 mg/L。 (3)生根造就研究发明分歧植物发展调理剂和浓度对生根率有主要作用。合适71一3一150和BP一176生根的最好造就基为1/2 MS/IBA1。5 mg/L,合适60一160生根的最好造就基是1/2 MS/IBA1。0 mg/L。 3。以71一3一150、60一160、 BP一176、M9、 M26、 SH6、SH18、 GM256和GM310九种苹果矮化砧木为实验资料,测定了苹果矮化砧木的抗寒性。采取九种苹果矮化砧木1年生枝条,停止一20℃、一25℃、一30℃、一35℃、一40℃高温处置,用电导法合营Logistic方程,求得拐点(LT50)即半致逝世温度,并对其电导率、可溶性糖含量、可溶性卵白含量、MDA含量、SOD酶活性和POD酶活性等目标停止了测定比拟。成果注解测得的电解质渗出率呈典范的S型曲线,与响应的高温呈极明显负相干;71一3一150、60一160、BP一176、M9、 M26、SH6、SH18、 GM256和GM310的半致逝世温度(LT50)分离为一40。63℃、一39。42℃、一38。33℃、一30。10℃、一33。03℃、一34。10℃、一32。69℃、一39。29℃、一36。08℃;抗寒性强的71一3一150、60一160、GM256和BP一176能坚持较高的可溶性糖含量、可溶性卵白含量、SOD酶活性、POD酶活性和较低的MDA含量。综合上述测定成果,俄语论文网站俄语论文范文,供试九种苹果矮化砧木的抗寒性由强到弱顺次为71一3一150>60一160>GM256>BP一176>GM310>SH6>M26>SH18>M9。 4。以71一3一150、60一160、PB一176、SH18、SH6、M26和M9七种苹果矮化砧木为实验资料,树立了苹果矮化砧木比拟实验园。采取七种苹果矮化砧木为中央砧,长度为20 cm,分离嫁接宁靖洋嘎拉和烟富3,繁育两年生苗木。在莱西和莱州树立了10亩苹果矮化砧木比拟实验园。今朝,幼树成活率高,发展硬朗。


China's Apple Dwarf Rootstocks need intensive cultivation of Hardy dwarfing rootstock, but production can be fed with Hardy dwarfing rootstock sparse. This experiment to introduce Russia's three kinds of cold resistant Apple dwarfing rootstock (71 3 150, 60 a 160 BP and 176) and the frequently used six kinds of Apple Dwarf rootstock (M9, M26, SH6, SH18, GM256 and GM310) as the test material, inquires the visit the apple dwarf rootstock of Botany characteristics and biological characteristics, set of Apple Dwarf rootstock of tissue culture and regeneration system, determination of the apple dwarf rootstock of cold resistance, establish the apple dwarf rootstock analogy experiment Park, in give birth to promote the use of cold resistant Apple Dwarf Rootstock and provided a theoretical basis for. The important results of the experiment are as follows 1. In order to introduce Russian 71 3 150, 60 to 160, BP 176 Winterhardy Apple Dwarf rootstock for experimental material, inquires the visit the apple dwarf rootstock of Botany characteristics and biological characteristics. 3 one 150 one 71 annual branches with a uniform length of 1. 85 cm, uniform roughness is 0. 84 cm. 60 one 160 annual branches with a uniform length of 2. 38 cm, uniform roughness is 0. 67 cm. BP a 176 annual branches with a uniform length of 2. 40 cm, uniform roughness is 0. 77 cm. 71 A 150, 60, 160, 176 and BP three were isolated from leaf length of 3 stocks and two yuan linear regression equation between Ye Kuan and leaf area. 3268 x1/91. 4177 x2 a 4641. 7673; y=38. 0463 x1/67. 7382 x2 a 3715. 8502; y=40. 5318x1/67. 3950 x2 a 3985. 8646. 2. The stem tip of 3 a 150, 160, 60, BP, 176, a, 71, was introduced to Russia as explants, and the test tube plantlets were obtained. (1) the following important results achieved Apple aseptic training base to create a suitable 71 3 150 shoot tip initial is MS/BA1. 0 mg/L/NAA0. 1 mg/L, BP has created a suitable base 176 and 60 to 160 shoot tip initial is MS/BA0. 5 mg/L/NAA0. 05 mg/L; suitable 3 a 150 a 60 and 160 a second generation of the proliferation of the foundation for MS/BA0. 3 mg/L/IBA0. 03 mg/L, the right BP a 176 following the generation of the proliferation of MS/BA0. 5 mg/L/IBA0. 05 mg/L. (2) of adventitious bud differentiation to BP 176 as experimental material to study the leaves dark disposal time, leaves of different inoculation methods and different plant growth regulator of leaf regeneration of adventitious buds. Results annotation leaves best dark create time for 14 days, the distal shaft surface contact training base and loss effect is good and in two inoculation methods for leaf regeneration rate and regeneration bud number difference. Suitable media BP a 176 leaf regeneration of adventitious bud differentiation was MS/BA4. 0 mg/L/NAA0. 3 mg/L. (3) study found differences created rooting plant development conditioner and concentration has a major impact on the rooting rate. Suitable 3 a 150 a 71 and BP a 176 rooting the best to create the base for MS/IBA1 1/2. 5 mg/L, suitable for 160 a 60 rooting is the best to create the base is MS/IBA1 1/2. 0 mg/L. 3. 71 3 150, 60 to 160, BP 176, M9, M26, SH6, SH18, GM256 and GM310 nine kinds of Apple Dwarf rootstock for experimental material, determination of the apple dwarf rootstock of cold hardiness in. Take nine kinds of Apple Dwarf rootstock 1 year old branches, stop 20 DEG C, a 25 DEG C, a 30 DEG C, a 35 DEG C, a 40 DEG C high temperature disposal, conductance method joint venture logistic equation obtained inflection point (LT50) which caused by the death of temperature, and the conductivity, the content of soluble sugar, soluble egg white content, MDA content, SOD activity and POD activity target stop determined match. Annotation results measuring the electrolyte leakage rate is a model of S type curve, with the response of the high temperature was significantly negative correlation; 71 3 150, 60 to 160, BP 176, M9, M26, SH6, SH18, GM256 and GM310 semi deaths separation temperature (LT50) for a 40. 63 degrees Celsius, a 39. 42 degrees Celsius, a 38. 33 degrees Celsius, a 30. 10 degrees Celsius, a 33. 03 degrees C, a 34. 10 degrees Celsius, a 32. 69 degrees Celsius, a 39. 29 degrees Celsius, a 36. 08 DEG C; cold hardiness of 71 3 150, 60 to 160, GM256 and BP 176 can adhere to the higher soluble sugar content, soluble protein content, SOD activity, POD activity and lower MDA content. Based on the determination results tested nine kinds of Apple dwarfing rootstock of cold resistance of 71 3 150 > 60 to 160 > GM256 > BP 176 > GM310 > SH6 > M26 > SH18 > M9 from strong to weak sequentially. 4. 71 3 150, 60 to 160, Pb 176, SH18, SH6, M26 and M9 seven apple dwarf rootstock for experimental material, set up the apple dwarf rootstock analogy experiment Park in. Take seven kinds of Apple Dwarf rootstock for central anvil and length of 20 cm, the separation grafting pecefic ocean Gala and smoke rich 3, breeding biennial seedlings. In Laixi and Laizhou set up 10 acres of apple rootstocks compared to the experimental garden. At present, sapling survival rate is high, the development of strong.

