
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-21
摘要:语言是交流的工具 ,听说读写是学习外语的基本要素。提高听力的基本措施是多看、多听、多说。大学开设俄语听说课要注意教材的选择 ,充分利用现代化的电教设备 ,集视、听、说为一体 ,增加学生进行综合练习的机会 ,视授课内容灵活掌握精听和泛听及教材收发的情况等

Abstract:Language is a tool for communication, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the basic elements of learning a foreign language. The basic way to improve listening is to read more, listen more and speak more. Universities of Russian audiovisual teaching should pay attention to the choice of, make full use of the modern audio-visual equipment, see, hear, said as a whole, to increase students' comprehensive practice opportunities, depending on the teaching content of flexible control intensive listening and extensive listening and teaching materials to send and receive etc.

引言:语言是交流的工具 ,听说读写是语言学习的基本要素。而听力是语言学习最薄弱的环节。听是领会式的言语形式 ,是理解别人的口头言语。它对听话者的要求是 :注意力只集中于所听的内容 ,在听话的瞬间就能理解所听的材料 ,而不必经过略论和翻译 ,即听到俄语就能立即在头脑中反映
