摘要:根据现代社会对外语人才的需求,应逐渐改变传统的教学管理模式,即采取过程教学管理。新的教学模式强调语言的交际意义,俄语专业论文,教学以学生为中心,学生主动参与学习过程的各个环节并创造性地使用语言。教师不再过多地纠正学生的语法错误,而是关注学生完成学习任务时的心理过程。 Abstract:According to the needs of modern society for talents, should gradually change the traditional teaching management mode, namely take the process of teaching management. The new teaching model emphasizes the communicative meaning, student-centered teaching, students' active participation in the learning process of each link and the creative use of language. The teacher is no longer too much to correct students' mistakes in grammar, but rather focus on students to complete the learning task of the psychological process. 引言:一、过程教学管理的实质外语教学模式从总体上看存在两大模式:结果教学和过程教学模式。过程教学是相关于结果教学而言的。前者重视过程,突出学生的学要体现在两个方面:一是该措施透明度高,每个学生对自己的平时成绩了如指掌;二是可以促使学生重视平时的学习,从而促进了俄语 ,俄语论文范文 |