作 者:马志强[1] Ma Zhi - qiang (Center For Studies of Ethnic Minorities in Northwest China of I.anzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, 730020, China) 机构地区:[1]兰州大学西北少数民族探讨中心,甘肃兰州730020 出 处:《教育与教学探讨》2017年第7期27-31,共5页Journal of Chendu University:Educational Sciences Edition 基 金:香港中华回教博爱社2017年探讨生奖学金计划资助项目“宁夏民办阿拉伯语学校教育发展的近况调查探讨--以吴忠市利通区为例”的阶段性成果. 摘 要:文章以宁夏吴忠市利通区为田野进行个案探讨,通过对当地五所民办阿拉伯语学校的实地调查,阿拉伯语论文网站,扼要介绍当地民办阿拉伯语学校的整体发展近况,发现其面临外界信任危机、缺教师、资金少等问题,通过对问题的原因略论,结合当地实际情况,认为民办阿拉伯语学校应该从改革办学机制、寻求社会支持及采取联合办校等方面来解决问题,并促进其长远发展。This paper takes Litong district of Wuzhong city in Ningxia as fieldwork to make a ease study. After the in - depth fieM - inves- tigation of five local Arabic schools,the author gives a brief introduction of the general situation of the local Arabic schools and reveals that the private Arabic schools have faced the crisis of confidence, short of teachers, and lack of money in the development. To solve the problems, pri- vate Arabic schools should reform educational mechanism,explore social support and take joint numing of schools into account based on analyz- ing the causes of the problems and the local situation, which will promote its long- term development. 关 键 词:民办阿拉伯语学校 民族教育 宁夏吴忠市 ,阿拉伯语论文 |