阿拉伯语语法推理思维的文化探寻 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:国少华[1] GUO Shaohua


出  处:《阿拉伯世界探讨》2017年第6期 61-69,共9页ARAB World Studies

基  金:本文属国家社科基金资助项目“阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化阿拉伯语”(01BBY029)的前期成果.

摘  要:语法是语言的结构方式和组织规则,它兼具人类共性和民族个性。语法规则是人类长期抽象思维的成果和社团约定,它反映着语言社团的文化规约和语言学家的思维方式。阿拉伯语语法与汉语截然不同,阿拉伯语论文网站,与印欧语系语言相似,阿拉伯语毕业论文,属于有明显形态标记的形式语法,具有清楚的逻辑推理思维,即遵循概念、判断和推理的基础模式。本文对此现象进行了阐释,并探索其文化成因。Grammar describes the way that a language is organized and constructed. It is the result of social contract and of mankind's abstract thinking over long periods of time. Grammar includes what is common to all human beings, as well as what is particular to a single people. Grammatical rules and theories represent conventions within language groups and the ways of thinking of linguists. The Arabic grammar is drastically different from that of Chinese, and is similar to those of Indo-European languages, which are formal grammars with apparent morphological markers. They exhibit clear logical inferences which follow the basic methodology of concept, judgement and inference. This paper analyzes this phenomenon and its origins from historical, philosophical and cultural aspects.

关 键 词:阿拉伯语语法 推理思维 形成原因 
