
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南冷涡及其上升流的观测探讨Vietnam and the cold upwelling observation and research


本文经由过程2017年8月15日至2017年9月6日对越南东部11°N~15°N,110°E~114°E海域不雅测取得的温、盐、密度和流速材料,联合Jason一1卫星高度计日均匀材料对越南东部海域夏日的中标准景象停止了剖析和盘算。起首运用卫星高度计材料发明并剖析该海区8月15日到9月6日之间涌现的中标准涡A、B的地位、规模和生消进程。冷涡A从8月15日涌现到9月6日根本消逝,中间地位在13。75°N,112。25°E,直径约120千米;冷涡B从8月26日开端到9月6日仍然存在,中间地位在11。75°N,110。5°E,直径约150千米。进一步剖析温、盐、密度和流速场的空间构造和散布特色,越语论文题目,从而更周全说明以上中标准景象特点。其次运用不雅测获得的空间3维密度场和相对流速场,采取数值办法求解纽曼界限前提下的2维Omega方程,越语论文,求得参考面上的相对动力高度。对其停止垂向积分获得3维空间的相对动力高度场,从而依据地转关系盘算出全部盘算空间的地转流场。冷涡A、B海区地转流场年夜体出现气旋形状,在冷涡外沿地转流速可达1m/s。在地转流场中,依据狄利克雷界限前提下3维的Omega方程,可以诊断出相干海域的垂向流速年夜小和散布。普通来讲,年夜洋内区的垂向流速量级约为O(10一2)m d一1。经由过程盘算,发明因为中标准景象的存在,使得响应海域的起落流场的强度年夜年夜增长。个中,冷涡A地点海域的垂向流速最年夜可以到达6m d一1;冷涡B的地点海域最年夜垂向流速最年夜可达15m d一1。数值求解Omega方程获得的垂向流速精确水平平日遭到以下身分如准地转关系假定;CTD数据处置进程中插值进程对密度场的作用;界限前提的拔取和界说;海上查询拜访不雅测进程的分歧步性和分辩率不敷高级的作用。


This article through the course of 2017 August 15, 2017 to September 6, on the East Vietnam 11 ~ n ~ 15 degrees N, 110 ~ e ~ 114 degrees e sea indecent test of temperature, salinity, density and flow rate of the material, combined with Jason 1 satellite altimeter, uniform materials of Vietnam in the East China Sea summer standard scene stopped analysis and calculation. First application of satellite altimeter material invention and analysis in the area in August 15 to September 6, between the emergence of standard eddy A and B position, scale and dissipation process. From August 15th to September 6th, the emergence of vortex A fundamental position in the 13 middle die. 75 degree N, 112. 25 degrees E, a diameter of about 120 km; cold B from the beginning of August 26th to September 6th is still there, the middle position in 11. 75 degree N, 110. 5 degrees E, about 150 kilometers in diameter. Further analysis of the temperature, salinity, density and flow field of space structure and distribution characteristics, and thus more comprehensive description of the above characteristics of the standard scene. Secondly, the 2 dimensional equation is solved by numerical method to solve the 3 dimensional Omega equation, and the relative dynamic height of the reference surface is obtained. The relative dynamic height field of the 3 dimensional space is obtained from the vertical integral, and then the flow field in the whole calculation space is calculated according to the ground rotation relation disk. A, B in the cold vortex geostrophic flow in the cyclone appears Nianye body shape, the outer edge of the cold vortex geostrophic flow rate can reach 1m/s. According to the 3 dimensional Omega equation under the condition of de Lickley boundary condition, the vertical velocity and dispersion of the coherent sea area can be diagnosed. Generally speaking, the vertical flow velocity of the ocean area is about O (10 a 2) d m 1. Through the process, the invention because of the presence of standard images, so that the intensity of the response to the waters of the sea and the intensity of the flow of growth. Medium, a cold vortex location area vertical to the most of the eve of the velocity can reach 6m d 1. The location of the eddy B waters the biggest vertical to flow the largest up to 15m d 1. Omega equations are solved numerically to obtain the vertical direction and velocity of precise levels normally by the following element such as quasi transfer relation is assumed; CTD data processing in the process of interpolation process on the density field effect; boundary condition the choice and definition; marine query visit to indecent measuring process step divergences and classified defense rate is not enough advanced effect.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   1、引言   8-18       1.1 中尺度现象的观测探讨历史   8-11       1.2 中尺度现象和垂向环流的探讨近况   11-12       1.3 南中国海的中尺度现象探讨进展   12-14       1.4 越南冷涡的观测和探讨历史   14-17       1.5 探讨中尺度现象的意义   17-18   2、2017 年夏季越南东部海区中尺度冷涡略论   18-29       2.1 航次简介   18-19       2.2 仪器介绍   19-20       2.3 Jason-1 高度计资料   20-22       2.4 CTD 和75kHz ADCP 水文资料略论   22-29   3、垂向流速的计算   29-37       3.1 Omega 方程   29-30       3.2 地转流场的计算   30-31       3.3 垂向流速的计算与讨论   31-37   4、结论   37-39   参考文献   39-43   附录   43-51   致谢   51-52   个人简历   52   的学术论文   52  
