
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

戴高乐越南战争(1961 - 1968)De Gaulle and the Vietnam War (1961 - 1968)




De Gaulle of the Vietnam War cold war policy is the "De Gaulle doctrine" in northwest Asia said. France on the outside, "respect for Vietnam's identity and independence, respect the power of the fate of the Vietnamese national resolution", but in front of him to conceal the goal of De Gaulle's attempt to restore the privileged position of France in vietnam. In order to reach this goal, De Gaulle first put forward the "Vietnam neutrality" proposal to the war to deal with Vietnam's achievements, and strive to exclude the United States and China's impact on the region. But the plan ended in failure. Subsequently, Charles de Gaulle tried to France and North enhanced more and South Vietnamese plain near family bound front of exchange and cooperation, and ultimately affect the North Vietnamese communication policy, promote the resolution of Hanoi talks with U.S. Open. In the United States with independent communication posture, France became the achievement in Vietnam can only stop the nations nation and coherent communication. By that, the Vietnam War in the "De Gaulle doctrine" seems to have become a worthy of discussion "the Cold War International history". This period of history, this article will be two departments to the reader. In the first part, we will see in 1961 to 1965 era, wearing high Osteoform tujing Indochina neutrality "is completed by the process of peace negotiations, and as a basis to deal with Vietnam. Here will show the reader how to show the French things this plan, the planning and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the relevant parties, including China's response and ultimately the failure of this plan. The second part reviews the debate from 1965 to 1968, de Gaulle in Indochina neutrality "planning failures, how to make policy to adjust, and abandoned Saigon South Vietnamese regime instead actively and North more and South Vietnamese plain near family bound to buy front political and economic relations, eventually prompting north more automatic to the United States to recover the signal of peace negotiations. In addition, in the first sector, this paper will show the results of the research status and the materials used in this article and research thoughts.


内容摘要   6-7   ABSTRACT   7   绪论   10-17       第一节 学术界探讨动向   10-14       第二节 探讨角度   14       第三节 档案与文献   14-16       第四节 当前的问题   16-17   第一章 戴高乐越南政策的背景、产生与发展   17-22       第一节 戴高乐重返越南的背景与原因   17-19           一、什么是“戴高乐主义”?   17-18           二、戴高乐的真实目的   18-19       第二节 戴高乐对越政策的产生与发展   19-22           一、1961-1968,法国对越政策的两个阶段   19-21           二、法国对越政策的实质   21-22   第二章 1961-1965年,各国对戴高乐的越南战争和平计划的反应与对策   22-71       第一节 美国对戴高乐的和平计划的反应与对策   22-36           一、“越南中立化”的提出与肯尼迪的否定态度   22-25           二、法国驻南越大使的私自行动   25-27           三、肯尼迪政府时期戴高乐的和平计划   27-28           四、约翰逊政府对戴高乐和平计划的否定   28-34           五、美国否定戴高乐的和平计划的原因   34-36       第二节 中国对戴高乐的和平计划的反应与对策   36-55           一、法国与中国交涉的原因   36-37           二、中国调研工作的开展与中法的初期接触   37-41           三、中国否定态度的出现与中法档案的一处异同   41-45           四、法美在中国所持立场的判断上出现的分歧与疑点   45-48           五、中国对戴高乐和平计划的否定   48-51           六、中国不接受法国方案的原因   51-55       第三节 越南对戴高乐的和平计划的反应   55-62           一、南北越对戴高乐的鼓动   55-57           二、西贡政府的“反法运动”和法国与南越的断交   57-59           三、河内政府态度的多次变更   59-62       第四节 法国就越南战争问题与苏联的接触   62-67           一、法国对苏联越南政策的困惑   62-65           二、戴高乐对苏联越南政策的失望   65-67       第五节 柬埔寨会议的筹备与失败   67-71           一、柬埔寨会议构想的提出   67-68           二、柬埔寨会议内容的扩大化   68-69           三、柬埔寨会议的流产   69-71   第三章 1965-1968年,法国在越南问题上采取的政策   71-96       第一节 戴高乐对越南战争政策的转变   71-79           一、马纳克对于法国未来越南政策的备忘录   71-73           二、法国与越南社会主义力量联系的加强   73-75           三、法国对美国“和平攻势”的消极态度   75-79       第二节 戴高乐的“金边讲话”   79-84           一、“金边讲话”之前法国对北越的旁敲侧击   79-80           二、戴高乐访柬与“金边讲话”   80-82           三、“金边讲话”对法美关系造成的作用   82-84       第三节 法国为促成美越和谈所采取的行动   84-91           一、被美国忽略的北越立场   84-87           二、由法国促成的北越要求谈判的声明   87-91       第四节 走向巴黎和谈   91-96           一、春节攻势   91-92           二、美国选择谈判   92-93           三、通往巴黎之路   93-94           四、尾声   94-96   结语   96-98   参考文献   98-103   后记   103-104  
