
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

香港越南难民船民问题探讨Study of Vietnamese refugees and boat people in Hongkong




The results of the Vietnamese boat people and boats in Hong Kong came from 70 years in twentieth Century. In the subsequent 20 years of time, this achievement has always been plagued spray nasal port, and by the Hong Kong authorities continue to the HKSAR government, to the Hong Kong society formed a big effect. In this paper, the system sort out the Vietnamese refugees and boat nearly steady stream continuously into the nasal spray port of origin and processes, the British Hong Kong Government of Vietnam refugee and ship's policies in the past, the HKSAR government facing the predicament and Countermeasure of, based on, further to discuss the formation of Vietnam to flat and the boat near the influx of even stayed the reason of Hong Kong, and strive to the policy of the British Hong Kong authorities and the HKSAR government to make objective and fair evaluation. The full text is divided into four sections. In the first section, the origin of the difficult and the achievements of the people in Hong Kong, and the process of the influx of Vietnamese people and boats into Hong Kong, were analyzed. The emergence of Vietnam's difficult and marine achievements is important because of the tension caused by the thrust of the north and the Hong Kong and the outside world. The thrust of the important representation is the Vietnamese authorities to political coercion and plain near contempt family policy and economic conservative policies and strict economic status, and Hong Kong's geographical position, tolerant of difficult immigration policy and Eastern media connivance became attracted to Vietnam to easy flat near the outflow of tension identity. Vietnam and the influx of people in Hong Kong, the influx of two waves of the boat people tide, there are differences in the characteristics of the. The second sector is an important part of the British government in Hong Kong, the times of the Vietnamese people and the boat policy, and the idea of the implementation of the policy and the consequences of the appropriate evaluation. The British authorities have made several adjustments in the policy of Vietnam and the people of Vietnam. Finally, the British authorities to implement an open asylum policy, the permit is hard to wait for the eastern countries in the process of settling in the local search for a paid job. 1982.7 - 1988.6 times, the British authorities to implement the policy of confinement asylum, the difficulty of the freedom of the people were extremely limited. These two times, the Vietnamese people into the Hong Kong does not need to be identified by the Hong Kong can take the initiative to obtain the identity of the people. Since July 1988, began to implement the policy of discrimination, the identification of the embarrassment of the eastern countries can get settled, or will be returned. In the era of different policies, the British and British authorities of Vietnam and the boat people to settle and work is also different. The third section summarizes the dilemma faced by the SAR government and the measures adopted. When Hong Kong returned to Hong Kong, the Vietnamese people and the achievements of the people still exist. In order to stop the influx of Vietnamese illegal influx from the source, the SAR government since January 1998 to withdraw the first port of shelter policy. On demurrage for nearly 10 years of nearly 1400 Vietnamese refugee and ship plain near the achievement, the HKSAR Government in February 2002 launched "extended local shelter planning" and allow them to request payment of Hong Kong identity card, finally dealt with the historical record. Based on review of the third sector, the fourth departments to further the formation of Vietnamese refugees and boat nearly steady stream continuously influx and retention of Hong Kong's reason to carry on the discussion. This article believes that the formation of Vietnam's difficult and easy to stay in Hong Kong, the reason why there are three important aspects of the first, the international community to deal with the root causes of Vietnam's difficult and marine. Comprehensive indecent for more than 20 years, the international community course on how to deal with Vietnamese refugees and boat achievement to wrap up "the Three Kingdoms to settle", "integrated planning" and other agreements, but these cannot from the origin of the clear formation basic reason for refugee outflows. Second, the British at the expense of the Hong Kong people refugee policy. In Britain on behalf of the nasal spray port made willing as Indo Chinese refugees in the first shelter harbor "promise, itself did not settle the demurrage Vietnam refugees on an example, and even in Hong Kong regression after transition period, and also can be applied to the so-called" human rights "performance forced the British Hong Kong authorities to release the boat nearly, blocking of the boat near the repatriation. The third, in comparison with the ASEAN countries, the British Hong Kong government tolerance of refugee policy has become a "pull" factors, on the very big level formed a Vietnamese refugee ship plain near a large amount of influx and retention of Hong Kong. Nurse, Yin}.

