
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南李朝儒学教育Li Zhaoru on Vietnam Education




The growth of each country has capital can not be separated from education growth. Education is the cause of civilization, education development degree represents the cultural soft power of a country, decided the future of a peoples and countries. To the sure the essence of the teachings of Vietnam main status of Vietnam, the Joseon Dynasty taught is taught the history of Vietnam in the embryonic. The important to the teachings of the Tang Song period in China as the background, research the Joseon Dynasty taught. Thus it finds the Vietnam Li Zhaoru taught the characteristics of. This thesis consists of four chapters: the first chapter introduction. Explain the research reason, research goal and significance, the research status and research methods, innovation. The second chapter "teaching situation in Vietnam before. This important region belongs to the Vietnam era situation under the jurisdiction of China to teach, teach China system and education system in Vietnam to stop. The third chapter Zhaoru schools teach Vietnam li. This is the most important department. Comprehensive research and analysis of the specific teaching system includes Li school teaching, teaching thought, the imperial examination system, etc....... At the same time with the Tang Dynasty China taught so that Zhaoru school taught Li pointed out that Vietnamese characteristics. The fourth chapter studies the teaching achievement of coherent Li Zhaoru. Introduction of Joseon Dynasty taught some result contains the Joseon Dynasty Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism test at a later variation; Li Renzong emperor to promote the growth of education in the Joseon Dynasty contribution; rail of the imperial examination system of Vietnam teaching effect. Conclusion.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   第一章 绪论   7-12       第一节 本探讨的目的意义   7-8       第二节 国内外探讨近况   8-11           一、越南学界探讨情况   8-10           二、国外学界探讨情况   10-11       第三节 主要探讨措施和创新点   11-12           一、主要探讨措施   11           二、创新点   11-12   第二章 越南李朝之前教育情况   12-18       第一节 北属时期教育情况   12-16           一、第一个阶段(公元前111 年—公元39 年)   12-13           二、第二个阶段(公元43 年—公元541 年)   13-15           三、第三个阶段(公元602 年—公元905 年)   15-16       第二节 越南李朝之前封建独立时期的教育情况   16-18   第三章 李朝儒学教育   18-31       第一节 李朝历史背景及其时代的汉文化传播   18-20           一、李朝的历史背景   18-19           二、汉文化继续南传   19-20       第二节 李朝的教育体制   20-25           一、学校体系   21-23           二、教学教材与内容   23-24           三、李朝的教育思想   24-25       第三节 李朝儒学教育与科举考试制度   25-31           一、李朝儒学教育与儒学传播   25           二、李朝科举考试制度   25-29           三、小结   29-31   第四章 李朝儒学教育的相关问题   31-34       第一节 李朝科举的三教考试问题与其在后代的变化   31       第二节 李仁宗--促进李朝儒学教育发展贡献最大的人物   31-32       第三节 科举制度对越南教育的积极作用   32-34           一、学校教育日益扩大,教育事业日益发展   32-33           二、培养大批人才   33-34   结语   34-35   参考文献   35-39   致谢   39  
