
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南外资投资探讨1988—2000)Research on foreign investment in Vietnam (1988 - 2000)




This article from the perspective of growth economics, comprehensive exposition of the development process of China's direct investment since the reform and opening up, analysis of the characteristics of foreign investment growth stages, the evolution of the foreign policy of the Vietnamese authorities, the foreign investment situation and foreign capital to the south of the economic growth of the main effect, and points out the achievements of the process of foreign investment in Vietnam and the future should be adopted. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part: the outline of the growth of FDI in Vietnam since 1986 to introduce specific. According to the growth situation of foreign investment, the foreign investment in Vietnam is divided into three stages, the characteristics of the different stages of the summary. And the current Vietnamese foreign investment total, origin structure, construction method, industrial structure and regional structure to carry on the analysis. The second section discusses the legislation, policies and measures of foreign investment in Vietnam. The Vietnamese authorities not only published and revised the domestic in Vietnam investment law, establish and grow foreign laws and regulations, through the process of some encouragement policies and measures, for foreign investment in the movement to create a superior trade. The third sector: summed up the positive impact of foreign investment on the economic growth of vietnam. Separation from foreign capital to promote the economic growth of Vietnam, to promote the transformation of the Vietnamese market, the three aspects of the economic internationalization of the international exposition. Fourth Department: further pointed out the achievements of foreign investment in vietnam. Improved foreign investment furniture, area distribution is reasonable, the investment, the authorities of foreign governance poor are the important reactions, but also lead to Vietnam foreign capital inflow reduced status. At the same time, it puts forward the treatment method of response. In this sector, the basis after the domestic and international situation, of Vietnamese foreign investment inflows, origin structure, industrial structure and regional structure of growth prospects briefly analysis. Stop language, foreign investment in Vietnam to stop the summary.


前言   6-9   一、 越南外资投资概况   9-24       (一) 越南外资投资的历史回顾   9-16           1、 起步阶段(1988--1990年)   9-10           2、 飞速发展阶段(1991--1996年)   10-14           3、 下滑阶段(1997--2000年)   14-16       (二) 越南外资投资的近况   16-24           1、 外资投资的总量   16-18           2、 外资投资的来源结构   18-20           3、 外资投资的方式结构   20-21           4、 外资投资的产业结构   21-22           5、 外资投资的地区结构   22-24   二、 越南政府对外资投资的立法、鼓励政策与方法   24-34       (一) 外资法规体系的建立和发展   24-29           1、 《外国在越南投资法》的颁布及完善   24-28           2、 其他有关法规的建立   28-29       (二) 对外资投资的鼓励政策与方法   29-34           1、 政府支持   29-31           2、 税收优惠政策   31-33           3、 土地优惠政策   33-34   三、 外资与越南的经济发展   34-39       (一) 关于促进越南经济增长的影响   34-36           1、 外商投资带来了国外资金,弥补了国内建设资金的不足   34-35           2、 外商投资有助于提高越南的科技能力   35           3、 外商投资促进了越南外向型经济的发展   35-36           4、 外商投资创造了就业机会,增加了越南的财政收入   36       (二) 关于促进越南经济国际化的影响   36-38           1、 外资加强了越南同世界经济的联系   36-37           2、 外资公司的外向型经营为国内公司起到了示范影响   37           3、 外商投资公司还推动了越南的经济体制改革   37-38       (三) 关于推动越南的市场化改革的影响   38-39           1、 外资给越南带来了市场机制和竞争机制   38           2、 外资促进了越南国有公司的改革   38           3、 外资促进了越南经济管理体制的改革   38-39   四、 越南外资投资存在的问题及发展前景   39-46       (一) 越南外资投资存在的主要问题   39-42       (二) 越南政府采取的方法   42-43       (三) 越南外资投资的发展趋势   43-46   结束语   46-47   注释   47-51   主要参考文献   51-55   后记   55  
