
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南河内现代物流规划探讨Research on modern logistics planning in Hanoi, Vietnam




Vietnam's capital, Hanoi, is not only a political and cultural center of Vietnam, but also a major economic center. Superior to the status of river of Xinjiang University, is of important economic area of the South Vietnam focus city, a corner of Hanoi - Quang Ninh Haiphong economic triangle. As a critical transportation, Hanoi Road, highway, railway, waterway, air across the country, growing logistics possessions has unique advantage and strong has insignificant effects on South Vietnam and even the national economy. What, then Hanoi's logistics growth is also a lower degree. In order to improve the status, this paper studies the logistics plan of Hanoi from the details of the situation of Hanoi, the basic measures and economic growth of transportation and logistics. Chapeau, in the analysis of home and abroad to the logistics plan basically, in Hanoi in detail, from its natural state, state, transportation infrastructure, economic growth study of Hanoi logistics demand structure and through regression analysis, using SPSS mathematical software to Hanoi flow relevant demand influencing factor to make elaborate, the scope of logistics demand make initial guesses. Secondly, from the present status of economic growth in Hanoi city planning, transportation infrastructure plan and Hanoi and bias research Hanoi logistics space structure plans; and the United Hanoi plan of urban structure, urban economic structure, logistics demand proposed Hanoi ancient logistics planning of node location and affirms its scope. In the first part, the paper puts forward the suggestion on the implementation of the Hanoi logistics plan.


致谢   5-6   摘要   6-7   ABSTRACT   7   1 引言   10-18       1.1 论文探讨背景与意义   10-11           1.1.1 探讨背景   10-11           1.1.2 探讨意义   11       1.2 国内外相关探讨近况   11-14           1.2.1 国外探讨近况   11-14           1.2.2 越南探讨近况   14       1.3 探讨的主要内容与结构   14-17           1.3.1 探讨的主要内容   14-15           1.3.2 论文结构   15           1.3.3 探讨措施   15-17       1.4 本章小结   17-18   2 河内现代物流规划作用因素略论   18-29       2.1 人口、面积与地理位置   18-21           2.1.1 人口与面积的历史沿革   18-20           2.1.2 地理位置   20-21       2.2 交通运输基础设施   21-24           2.2.1 公路   22-23           2.2.2 铁路   23           2.2.3 水运   23           2.2.4 空运   23-24       2.3 经济发展状况   24-28           2.3.1 国民经济发展   24-25           2.3.2 产业结构   25-28       2.4 本章小结   28-29   3 河内的物流需求近况与预测略论   29-54       3.1 物流需求略论内容   29-34           3.1.1 物流需求略论的含义与内容   29-31           3.1.2 城市物流需求略论的作用因素   31-32           3.1.3 物流需求预测略论的措施   32-34       3.2 河内物流需求略论   34-48           3.2.1 物流需求结构略论   34-40           3.2.2 物流流向与流体结构略论   40-46           3.2.3 进出口产品结构对物流需求结构的作用略论   46-48       3.3 物流需求量预测略论   48-53           3.3.1 预测模型的建立与预测结果   48-51           3.3.2 物流需求预测结果略论、修正与确定   51-53       3.4 本章小结   53-54   4 河内现代物流空间布局规划   54-74       4.1 河内现代物流产业空间布局规划的目标、内容和准则   54-57           4.1.1 河内现代物流产业空间布局规划的目标   54           4.1.2 河内现代物流空间布局规划的主要内容   54-55           4.1.3 河内现代物流产业空间布局规划的主要准则   55-57       4.2 河内物流节点空间布局规划   57-64           4.2.1 河内物流节点选址略论   57-62           4.2.2 河内物流结点选址方案与确定   62-64       4.3 河内物流节点规模确定   64-73           4.3.1 河内两个物流结节点承担物流量的预测   65-69           4.3.2 河内物流节点规模预测   69-73       4.4 本章小结   73-74   5 规划的实施建议   74-79       5.1 物流规划实施总体的建议   74-75       5.2 物流规划实施的注意事项   75-76       5.3 物流园区投资建议   76-78       5.4 本章小结   78-79   6 结论与展望   79-81       6.1 主要探讨成果   79-80       6.2 论文探讨展望   80-81   参考文献   81-84   作者简历   84-86   学位论文数据集   86  
