
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南学生汉语单字调音高与时长的实验探讨Experimental study on Vietnamese students Chinese word attunement high and length




Second tone of speech acquisition and learning the mother tongue background relationship intimacy, native tone of voice learners in Chinese tone acquisition process will be very natural by native tone effect, often used native tone pitch and length to study Chinese tones. This course helps accelerate learning Chinese tone learning speed, but also a lot of errors. The Vietnamese learning Chinese tone Mr. has these characteristics. The color of the test speech wrist, 30 Vietnamese Chinese tone acquisition of Mr. situation investigation and study. This paper consists of four chapters, the first chapter is introduction; the second chapter through the process of speech analysis software Praat to test one by one to divide Chinese degree and consistency of the remaining 30 Vietnamese Mr Chinese tone stop test analysis, assessment of their Chinese tones, the pitch length; the third chapter is the listening test, in order to existence the relationship between Chinese tone pronunciation and listening to find out, the low degree of Chinese Vietnamese Chinese tone to stop Mr. listening test, and the gender differences of Chinese tone Mr. Book errors analysis; the fourth chapter is the comparative analysis, the author compared to Vietnam Mr. Chinese and Vietnamese tone pronunciation pitch and make. The actual application of two language acquisition and Interlanguage Analysis, Vietnam Mr. Chinese tone bias said two words to speak more than Chinese Pitch and length of individuality and difference. And discuss the Vietnamese Chinese tone bias Mr. causes and discipline, put forward the strategies for the Vietnamese learning Chinese tone mr..


摘要   6-7   ABSTRACT   7   第一章 导论   9-12       1.1 探讨综述   9-10       1.2 探讨对象、探讨措施   10-11           1.2.1 探讨对象   10           1.2.2 探讨措施与过程   10-11       1.3 本文的探讨意义   11-12   第二章 越南学生汉语单字调发音的实验略论   12-35       2.1 实验设计   12-13           2.1.1 录音字表及说明   12           2.1.2 越南语单字调的录音字表设计及说明   12           2.1.3 实验数据提取和处理   12-13       2.2 汉语单字调发音的实验略论   13-33           2.2.1 不同汉语水平的越南学生汉语单字调的实验略论   14-25           2.2.2 同汉语水平不同性别越南学生汉语单字调发音实验略论   25-33       2.3 实验结果与讨论   33-35   第三章 初级汉语水平越南学生汉语单字调听辨能力实验略论   35-40       3.1 实验设计说明和过程   35           3.1.1 汉语单字调听辨能力词表设计   35           3.1.2 受实验对象   35           3.1.3 实验地点   35           3.1.4 实验步骤   35       3.2 初级汉语水平越南学生汉语单字调听辨能力测试结果略论   35-37       3.3 不同性别的初级水平越南学生汉语单字调听辨能力实验略论   37-39           3.3.1 相同之处   38           3.3.2 相异之处   38-39       3.4 越南学生汉语单字调发音和听辨的联系   39-40   第四章 越南学生汉语单字调偏误略论和声调教学策略   40-49       4.1 汉越单字调发音情况对比   40-42           4.1.1 汉语与越南语第一声对比   40-41           4.1.2 汉语与越南语第二声对比   41           4.1.3 越南语第三声与汉语第四声对比   41-42       4.2 越南学生汉语声调偏误的特点与原因   42-47           4.2.1 母语负迁移   42-44           4.2.2 越南学习者的声调学习策略   44-45           4.2.3 越南学校声调教学的策略   45-47       4.3 对声调教学和声调学习提出一些改进办法   47-49           4.3.1 使用五度值标调法来描写汉语声调的特征   47           4.3.2 有针对性的加强学生对汉语声调发音的练习   47           4.3.3 提髙学生的汉语阴平和去声的听辨能力   47-49   结论   49-50   附录   50-112   参考文献   112-115   后记   115  
