
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

国家利益建构越南海权主张The construction of national interests and the claim of Vietnam's sea power




In this paper, we attempt to apply constructivist analysis method to analyze the idea of Vietnam's sea power. Application of the construction of Feminist International Relations Theory in "national interest" principle to analyze to find differences in Vietnam era differences authorities sea power idea of the construction of identity. After the Second World War, Vietnam sea power idea in different times, different authorities Nianye reversed. One of South Nansha and Paracel Islands before China proposed sovereignty idea, that, through the process of land survey and other sovereign capital wrist delusion infringement of two islands; the North Vietnamese authorities approved Chinese on two islands has indisputable sovereignty, and in different time, different places repeatedly underground notes this view; but the same after Vietnam not only continued south sea power idea and also the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and the connecting area, continental shelf and expansion of the land rights scale; after the cold war, Vietnam is at sea power idea content had no substantive change, but in the sea power idea has emerged some new intention. On the one hand, through the process of political talks deal with the North Bay results, on the other hand the islands and reefs occupied arms to Nansha, the capital of oil and gas development, trying to snatch the stop in the South China Sea dispute End internationalization. In this paper through the analysis of the process of invention differences between the Vietnamese authorities put forward the causes of the differences of sea power idea, is held by the international relations, the cognition of land, Land Law Conference and the United Nations Convention on the law of the land "in the establishment of identity. Through the process analysis of the changes in the rights and interests of Vietnam's land can be seen, the national benefit is not established, will be affected by many factors, in different times can produce different changes.


中文摘要   4-5   英文摘要   5   目录   6-7   导论   7-13       一、本论文的核心问题及其探讨意义   7-8       二、相关文献评述   8-10       三、本文的探讨思路、探讨措施及结构安排   10-13   第一章 越南统一前南越的海权主张及其成因略论   13-20       第一节 南越海权主张:对南沙和西沙群岛宣示主权并军事抢占   13-15       第二节 南越海权主张的成因略论   15-20   第二章 越南统一前北越的海权主张及其成因略论   20-28       第一节 北越海权主张:承认中国对南沙和西沙群岛的主权   20-21       第二节 北越海权主张成因略论   21-28   第三章 统一之后冷战结束前越南的海权主张及其成因略论   28-40       第一节 统一之后冷战结束前越南的海权主张:扩大海权范围并进行资源开发   28-32       第二节 统一之后冷战结束前越南的海权主张成因略论   32-40   第四章 冷战后越南的海权主张及其成因略论   40-50       第一节 冷战后越南的海权主张:政治谈判、军事抢占与掠夺资源并行   40-46       第二节 冷战后越南的海权主张成因略论   46-50   结束语   50-51   注释   51-55   参考文献   55-60   后记   60  
