
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南普通高校体育教学近况对策探讨Research on the current situation and Countermeasures of physical education in Colleges and universities in Vietnam




In recent years, followed Vietnam social and economic reconstruction and growth and education have a positive change, such as gengxu transformation teaching planning content, teaching way, investment in equipment, after all, the goal is to in order to create issued pregnant body health, energy, keen, noble character of a new generation of young people, reality is also in order to complete the industrialized countries, the reactionary obligations of ancient things. According to the purpose of the following, the school physical education to occupy a very important position, and its important role is to advance the human figure in Ankang, Ankang and social satisfaction and social satisfaction. This is a must Eph into less premise, also in the national economy and the society develops ceaselessly process purpose and role differ somewhat. However, in recent years the Vietnamese brawn and body state did not progress some, this result in the counsel of the growth of human health needs we care. Therefore, from the elementary school to the eve of the learning need teaching students how to keep a healthy body, let them know of physical exercise, and spontaneous join body exercise, and lure of the whole society to join the physical exercise to, so as to improve the progress of each person's physique. We should continuously to teach the next generation, so that they can be made in the future may become a people with smart and healthy, may conform to the request of Vietnam in the new period. From the above involve of realistic background, oneself also used some research methods, such as: analysis and comprehensive group of material law, observes the demonstration method, expert interviews, statistics and other to stop evaluation in Vietnam in the university sports teaching present situation, and then put forward some reasonable processing method to deal with the unfair situation, and puts forward some countermeasures to grow in the university sports teaching task. The important subject select Vietnam five is representative of the eve of the school to study, and through the process of sports teaching status query visit, such as: sports teacher troops and sports teaching curriculum, teaching equipment, Mr. learning achievement, sports teach education through grant funding and so on. And the evaluation, points out that Vietnamese University of sports teaching is not too much emphasis on the premises, the purpose mentioned above has not been completed, originally put forward the corresponding countermeasures and measures. Looking down from the results of the study, this thesis proposed improvement in university sports teaching achievement of some processing measures, with the following: 1, progress of the society, schools and Mr. thought understanding, it is important to understanding of sports teaching on the position and role. Second, to ensure that the school's essential equipment and funds can be satisfied with the task of teaching physical education. Third, improve the management of physical education teaching and training troops. Fourth, improved physical education teaching methods. Fifth, the eve of the extracurricular sports activities, and set up a number of sports clubs, sports competitions held. Sixth, more cooperation with international students and often join the exchange of sports activities. Desire to take more measures, sports activities in Vietnam can may be progress, but also the desire in this study can for future research supply some of their own, and Vietnam university sports teaching reform career provide scientific according to the actual.

