
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南电影《穿白丝绸的女人》字幕汉译略论An analysis of the Chinese translation of the subtitles of the Vietnamese film "white silk woman"




The woman in white silk is one of the representative works of Vietnam film in recent years. In this paper, based on the application of civilization to speak, cross cultural diplomacy, translation theory and coherent approach to film, wear white silk woman subtitle carries on the analysis, the description and comparison of video summary Vietnamese and Chinese subtitle translation errors, attributed the subtitle language translation skills. The full text is divided into five departments. Introduction section describes the topics of research background, research status, research objectives, research methods and the origin of the corpus. The first chapter introduces the types and characteristics of subtitle translation. The second chapter discuss the film "the woman in white silk" and the translation strategy. The third chapter analyzes the original subtitle translation of the film, and points out the inappropriate place of the original text and puts forward the views of this article. Conclusion section summarizes the conclusions drawn from this study. Through the process of the film subtitle translation of analysis and research, this paper summed up out the movie subtitle is important to take the domestication and assimilation, functional equivalence, reducing the strategy of translation and transliteration, the better to complete the film information convey obligation. This paper also points out that the local film translation error, omission, and put forward accurate translation methods. The film subtitle translation skills, not only on the Vietnamese film subtitle translation has a certain degree of self influence, and also rich in Chinese and Vietnamese translation.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   绪论   8-12       第一节 探讨背景   8       第二节 文献综述   8-11       第三节 探讨理论与措施   11       第四节 探讨目的及意义   11-12   第一章 字幕翻译的特点   12-21       第一节 字幕翻译的类型   12-13           一、 字幕的定义   12           二、 字幕翻译的基本类型   12-13       第二节 影视字幕翻译的特征   13-18       第三节 字幕翻译技术   18-20       第四节 小结   20-21   第二章 电影《穿白丝绸的女人》字幕翻译策略   21-35       第一节 归化和异化策略   22-25           一、 归化和异化的定义   22           二、 《穿白丝绸的女人》字幕翻译中的归化与异化   22-25       第二节 功能对等策略   25-28       第三节 减译策略   28-33       第四节 增译策略   33-34       第五节 音译策略   34-35   第三章 电影《穿白丝绸的女人》字幕汉译语句略论   35-52       第一节 《穿白丝绸的女人》片名汉译略论   35-38           一、 片名汉译的评价标准   35-36           二、 越南(áo dài)国服的译法   36-37           三、 《穿白丝绸的女人》片名汉译   37-38       第二节 人称、人名、地名的译法   38-44           一、 人称、称谓汉译略论   38-41           二、 影片中地名的汉译:   41-42           三、 人名的汉译   42-44       第三节 对习语和一些语句的理解   44-48       第四节 影片汉译技术性错误   48-52           一、 字幕部分标点符号不符合规定   48-49           二、 漏译   49-52   结语   52-54   参考文献   54-56   后记   56-57   攻读学位期间的学术论文目录   57  
