
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南残疾人教育与就业服务体系探讨Research on the education and employment service system for the disabled in Vietnam




Vietnam belongs to the Southeast Asian countries, with 86 million people, 700 thousand of them are disabled. The Vietnamese authorities actively involved in relevant international and regional sports for the disabled, with "equal power and superior guarantee of the disabled career ideas. In order to do a good job in the international and regional commitments, Vietnam gradually perfect the system of judicial and policy for persons with disabilities, establishment of supporting disabled programs and projects, to create a judicial case, mobilize all sectors of society efforts involved in the relief of the disabled, and encouraged invalids and social inclusion and growth. But there are still many results failed to deal with, some policy has failed to perform, such as: lack of disabled grade classification scale; disabled application infrastructure, communication skills, public transportation, etc. still exist many problems, enterprise fails to according to legal provisions to hire employees with disabilities; the provinces not value set up the disabled person employment fund and disabilities assistance fund; disabled policy spread and monitoring there are a lot of blind spots; disabled people receive teaching, unemployment ratio is not high; service quality and work infrastructure senior. These problems seriously affected the disabled social guarantee business growth in Ankang. Based on this, I chose "Vietnam disabled teaching and research" the unemployment service system can be improved in bias, desire and social service system of disabled Vietnam guarantee system in the process of contribute. In this paper, through the process of analysis of existing problems and reasons of the present situation and the guidance and service system of unemployment and unemployment of disabled people to teach Vietnam service system, put forward countermeasures on the perfect teaching service system gradually disabled unemployed. In the course of the study and some deficiency, such as materials and data are hard to find, especially belonging to the other parts; development strategy important is microcosmic countermeasures.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第一章 引论   8-16       第一节 探讨背景   8       第二节 探讨目的与意义   8-9           一、 探讨目的   8-9           二、 探讨意义   9       第三节 探讨对象,措施及创新点   9-10           一、 探讨对象   9           二、 探讨措施   9-10           三、 创新点   10       第四节 文献综述   10-16           一、 欧美国家探讨近况   10-12           二、 中国探讨近况   12-15           三、 越南探讨近况   15           四、 小结   15-16   第二章 相关的理论   16-20       第一节 残疾人与社会福利理论   16-17           一、 残疾人定义与分类   16-17           二、 社会福利与残疾人社会福利理论   17       第二节 残疾人与公共服务理论   17-20           一、 公共服务理论   17-18           二、 残疾人的需求   18-19           三、 残疾人服务体系   19-20   第三章 越南残疾人教育及就业服务体系的近况略论   20-32       第一节 残疾人服务机构   20-23       第二节 越南残疾人教育服务体系的近况略论   23-28           一、 残疾人教育的需求略论   23-25           二、 残疾人教育与职业培训政策的内容   25-26           三、 残疾人教育与职业培训服务方式   26           四、 残疾人教育与职业培训服务队伍   26-28       第三节 残疾人就业服务体系的近况略论   28-32           一、 残疾人就业的要求略论   28-29           二、 残疾人就业政策   29           三、 残疾人就业近况略论   29-32   第四章 越南残疾教育及就业服务体系存在问题与原因略论   32-37       第一节 存在问题   32-34           一、 残疾人需求的满足率不高   32-33           二、 政策实施效果不理想对于职业培训工作   33-34       第二节 残疾人教育服务体系存在问题   34-35       第三节 残疾人就业服务体系存在问题   35-36       第四节 残疾人教育与就业服务体系存在问题的原因略论   36-37   第五章 越南残疾人教育及就业服务体系的发展对策   37-40       第一节 在宏观的发展对策   37-38       第二节 在微观的发展对策   38-39           一、 残疾人教育服务体系的发展对策   38-39       第三节 残疾人就业服务体系的对策   39-40   结论   40-41   参考文献   41-43   致谢   43  
