
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南电信公司员工满意度作用因素探讨Research on the influencing factors of employee satisfaction in Vietnam Telecom Enterprises




With the arrival of the information technology era, the rapid growth of the telecommunications business, its rapid progress is also accompanied by a lot of achievements, such as fierce competition for talent, higher employee activity, etc.. Employees to meet research introduction of deep excavation, telecom enterprise employee satisfaction degree of influencing factor, giving managers have a definite object in view of improved beneficial to attract talents, decreased the brain drain rate, insist on the competitive advantage of enterprises, is of great significance to promote enterprise growth in the long run. Employee satisfaction research in the international academic community has been nearly 70 years of history, set up a perfect model of employee satisfaction. However this research just begun to cause Vietnam, scholars and entrepreneurs to the value, to the research in the field of theory and localization are still perfection, not detailed and practical in the category of telecom enterprises. This study include the following departments: the first part is an introduction, and put forward the research significance, research ideas and the innovation that achievement; the second sector is the literature review department, including the definition, research status, according to the actual international; third door model design staff satisfaction of Vietnam telecom enterprise, preliminary certainly as influencing factor, questionnaire compiled according to the fourth sector supply; employee satisfaction survey analysis, including the questionnaire and in fact set, data statistic and analysis; the fifth part is the conclusion, including the telecom staff satisfaction management model to establish and implement recommendations. In later results basically, the color of empirical research, inquires the visit the three Vietnamese telecommunications companies and through the collected data of descriptive statistical analysis and multiple regression analysis, finally certainly material rewards, corporate culture, growth and growth, the task, task group relationship and energy return six measuring elements in 17 distinct sub elements become Vietnam telecom enterprise employee satisfaction degree of the crux of the influence of identity. Visible Vietnam Telecom employees in the importance of material reward at the same time, more and more attention to the spirit of reward, growth and growth prospects, and the relationship between the task groups. Initially through Vietnam three telecom company employees meet the degree of influencing factor and in fact set, according to its staff meet the control degree in the stage set Vietnam Telecom employee satisfaction degree of the governance model, different stages of governance to implement the recommendations are put forward.

