
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南河内高校教师人力资源开发探讨Research on human resources development in Vietnam Hanoi University Teachers




Along with the economic globalization and the growth of a society of knowledge economy era, higher education is facing various challenges. Colleges and universities are talents base, so must try to build a high degree high essence, teacher troops. President Hu Zhiming once said: "no teacher did not teach", "Mr interests made by the teacher". He pointed out that the teacher to teach, teach quality force plays an important role, is to do a good job in the faculty is open, colleges and universities should deepen the reform of the personnel system, improve education quality. Vietnamese Communist Party has to teach the rail system to change, in the eleventh meeting of the Party Communist Party of Vietnam is proposed on education reform plan, at the request of the teacher troops change: education is ideological revolution main departments; need to bring Mr., implementation of learning to with theory in a way of teaching principles, taught to rest and give birth combined into one piece, schools and society in a way. Through this meeting, China's education, especially higher education has made excellent achievements. However, the lack of human capital in Colleges and universities in Hanoi teachers also exist: university teacher education level is low, the number of small, has experienced teacher troops and other aspects of the aging performance significantly. College teacher human resources development not only directly affect the future growth, but also directly affect the country's future social economic growth. Is a serious, how to score college teachers human capital rational open a university human capital management should face. This paper first put forward the thesis research background, objectives and significance, research contents and methods, innovation. Then discusses the human resource development concept, the basic concept of actual and effective teacher human capital development, the international research status summary analysis. Then, through the process of human capital of Vietnam Hanoi college teachers open situation analysis, the invention of Hanoi college teachers human resource development problems. First, this study aimed at these questions, proposed the measures and feasibility will open up the suggestion of manpower capital in Colleges and universities.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5-6   第一章 绪论   9-13       第一节 探讨背景   9-10       第二节 探讨目的与意义   10-11           一、 探讨目的   10           二、 探讨意义   10-11       第三节 探讨内容与措施   11-13           一、 探讨内容   11           二、 探讨措施及探讨技术路线   11-13   第二章 相关概念与理论基础   13-27       第一节 教育人力资源的内涵   13-18           一、 人力资源概念   13-14           二、 人力资源开发的内涵   14-15           三、 高校教育的内涵   15-16           四、 高校教师人力资源的内涵   16-17           五、 高校教师资源开发的概念   17-18       第二节 国内外探讨近况及发展动态   18-27           一、 国外探讨近况   18-22           二、 国内探讨近况   22-27   第三章 河内高校教师队伍的近况略论   27-34       第一节 河内高校教育发展的概况   27-28       第二节 高校教师资源结构略论   28-31           一、 学历结构略论   28-29           二、 性别构成   29-30           三、 年龄构成略论   30-31       第三节 高校教师队伍的数量与质量略论   31-34           一、 教师队伍数量   31-32           二、 教师队伍质量   32-34   第四章 河内高校教师人力资源开发存在的问题   34-38       第一节 人力资源分配不合理   34-35       第二节 聘用人才机制跟不上时代的要求   35       第三节 教育与培训机制不完善   35-36       第四节 激励机制不健全   36-37       第五节 教师心理问题增多   37-38   第五章 结论及建议   38-44       第一节 建议   38-42           一、 优化人力资源配置   38           二、 完善人才引进、招聘机制   38-39           三、 健全和完善教师培训机制   39-40           四、 有效实施教师激励机制   40-41           五、 解决教师心理问题   41-42       第二节 结论   42-44   参考文献   44-47   致谢   47  
