
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

NHI越南瓮安磨煤机项目进度计划控制NHI Vietnam Weng'an schedule and control of coal grinding machine project




With the increasingly fierce competition in economic globalization and market demand of the complex and changeable, enterprises in the face of the internal situation of the emergence of more risk and uncertainty, to the enterprise has brought more stringent provocation. To respond to internal quickly the challenges posed by changes, the emergence of an increasing number of new governance measures and give birth to a form, a new trend is based on purchase order product production, such forms of production on the progress of the project request more stringent. Enterprise of project schedule management value is not enough and bring about the birth of project delay time limit for a project and breach of contract orders carved achievements for the enterprise has brought adverse effect, enhance the project schedule planning and control is imminent. To understand this difficulty, this study will birth project based on orders, to an NHI company of Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine project as an example, application of the project schedule planning and master and the actual way object, fair and efficient governance to make project time limit for a project, production cost and product quality, continuously summarize project management experience and promotion of enterprise risk to attack, to must capital constraints and time scale in the quality and quantity of the finish products project, deliver goods orders, thus completing the master cost, to ensure the schedule and progress operation efficiency and promote client satisfaction to. In order to master the project schedule, the research methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis are used in this research. In the introduced project schedule planning and master principles and methods of basic, groping for NHI company of Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine production project schedule constraints influencing factor, depth analysis of the Vietnamese Weng mill birth place of project of NHI company internal and external environment. In Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine project schedule planning compilation, first and foremost to the project stopped tasks description and project differentiation, gives the NHI Company Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine project WBS chart, according to Vietnamese Weng grinding coal machine project standard operating conditions, draw lessons all the tasks of the project before and after the relation table, draw the arrow line network diagram and Gantt chart, take ways to adjust the number of personnel way and adjust homework relationship, the calculation of the crux of the time limit for a project, affirmation and optimize the crux of the line, extend the time limit for a project, and affirmed the optimized network diagram and Gantt chart. The NHI Company Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine production project schedule control, expounds the NHI Company Vietnam Weng an mill project progress to master the process of, on the progress of the project to give birth stop static monitoring transfers, gives the detailed monitoring measures and the progress of the project declaration. Initially proposed NHI Company Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine project schedule planning and control of the security measures, including organization structure, external team construction, quality management and risk control, and NHI Company Vietnam Weng grinding coal machine production project suggestions and specific measures are put forward in the paper, the NHI other companies making birth project has a strong practical significance and guidance value.

