
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南大学生汉语学习动机探讨A study on Chinese learning motivation of Vietnamese Students


本研究针对越南年夜学汉语专业先生商量了认知、情绪和社会身分对进修念头的作用。笔者先运用Gardner社会意理学念头形式中的念头取向考核了融会性念头取向和对象性念头取向在越南汉语进修者的表示,续而考核先生个别身分对先生念头身分发生的作用,联合融会性念头取向和在认贴心理学念头研究范畴有主要作用的希冀价值实际,评论辩论和念头身分有明显相干性的付与进修目的的价值,采取第二说话教室教授教养的先生念头的激起的准绳,越语毕业论文,评论辩论和念头身分有明显相干的教员行动。本研究采取问卷查询拜访办法。笔者参考了越南汉语进修情形,联合了R。 C。 Gardner等设计的AMTB立场、念头考试量表及Dornyei的三个层面念头形式设计了越南先生汉语进修念头问卷。问卷包含59个问卷题。查询拜访对象是149名在顺化外语年夜学中文系一年级和四年级进修的越南先生。本研究采取SPSS18。00作为数据统计对象,数据剖析办法触及因子剖析、相干剖析和信度剖析,经由重复检测后,越语论文范文,删除不明显相干性的问卷题和问卷表,最初确立念头身分和变量之间的关系。研究发明汉语进修念头的越南年夜先生中,融会性念头取向是重要的念头取向,它比对象性念头取向对先生的进修的作用更激烈。希冀价值实际中的希冀、价值身分和融会性念头取向、对象性念头取向存在明显的相干性。四年级汉语进修的先生的付与进修目的的价值不雅高于一年级的先生。另外,研究也发明,年级越高对象性念头越强。对进修焦炙的研究发明,一年级先生对进修的焦炙度高于四年级进修的先生。对先生的评价,男生对先生的不满足度高于女生。本研究也验证了分歧国度,分歧社会、分歧进修配景,其第二说话进修情况的念头也会有所分歧。在越南,希冀价值实际中的付与进修目的的价值是作用越南年夜先生汉语进修念头的重要身分。依据本研究的成果,最初本文还从进步先生汉语进修念头的角度,对教员的教授教养提出了一些建议,以丰硕越南对汉语的教授教养经历。


The research on Vietnam University Chinese professional Mr. the impact of cognitive, emotional and social identity of the learning motivation. The first application of Gardner social science idea form the idea of orientation examination of the fusion of idea orientation and object of thought orientation in Vietnamese and Chinese learners said that continued and assessment of Mr. individual element influence on Mr. idea identity, joint fusion idea orientation and in cognitive psychology thought research field has main influence of hope, the actual value, comment and debate the idea identity has obvious coherence entrusted with the training objective of value, take the second language classroom teaching of Mr. idea provoked yardstick, comment and debate the idea identity have obvious coherence teacher action. This research adopts questionnaire survey method. I refer to the Vietnamese learning situation, combined with the R. C. Gardner design of AMTB position, idea of examination and the Dornyei scale of three aspects of design idea of Chinese learning motivation questionnaire, vietnam. The questionnaire contains 59 items in questionnaires. The investigation object is 149 Vietnamese students studying in foreign language department at the University of Chinese hue in the first grade and the fourth grade. This research adopts SPSS18. 00 as the object of data statistics, data analysis method touch factor analysis, coherent analysis and reliability analysis, through the repeated detection and deletion is not obvious coherence questionnaire and questionnaire, initially established the relationship between variables of identities and thoughts. Considers to discover the Chinese learning motivation of Vietnamese university student, the fusion of the thoughts of orientation is important idea orientation, it than the object of thought orientation of Mr. learning effect is more intense. Hope the actual value of hope, value identity and fusion idea orientation, object of thought orientation exists obvious coherence. The fourth grade Chinese language, to learning objective values higher than the first grade. In addition, the study also invented, the higher the grade of the idea of object. Research on the learning anxiety of invention, the first grade of learning anxiety is higher than Mr. the fourth grade education mr.. Evaluation of students, the boys on the MR does not meet the degree higher than girls. This study also verified the differences between different countries, the social differences, education background, the second language learning situation thought also differ. In Vietnam, hoping the value of actual value is given to the learning objectives is Vietnam Mr. of the eve of the Chinese learning motivation of the important factors. According to the research results, this paper first from the perspective of Chinese learning motivation and improve the students, to teacher's teaching and put forward some suggestions to the teaching of Chinese Vietnamese rich experience.

