
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:正 在首次申请其成员资格的十一年之后,越南已经站在了世界贸易组织的门口。关于越南的纺织工业来说,越语专业论文,机会极其诱人。Chris Williams越南正在不断发展。这个国家进步的最好证明莫过于位于南中国海沿岸的岘港,一座耗资8千余万美元,集生产和销售一体的重要综合工业园正在当地施工。该工业园名为 Burlington Phong PhuSupply Chain City(伯灵顿一丰富连锁供应城),越语毕业论文,将于2017年下半年投入运营。

Abstract:Vietnam has stood at the door of the world trade organization, eleven years after its initial membership. For Vietnam's textile industry, the opportunity is very attractive. Williams Chris Vietnam is continuing to develop. The best proof of the country progress Mo too is located in the South China Sea coast of Da Nang, a cost 8 thousand million $set production and sales of various important comprehensive industrial park is the local construction. The industrial park called Burlington Phong PhuSupply Chain City (Burlington abundant supply chain city), in 2017 in the first half of the year put into operation.

引言:在首次申清其成员资格的于一年之后,越南已经站在了世界贸易组织的I’7口。关于越南的纺织工业来说,机会极其诱人。 Chris Wi川ams 越南正在不断发展。这个国家进步的最好证明莫过于位于南中国海沿岸的舰港一座耗资8千余万美元集生产和销售一体的重要综合工业园正在当地施工
