
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:正 一、一般概况 越南陶瓷厂是我们援助越南工程建设项目之一,厂址选择在越南北江省,位于中国通往河内铁路线的右侧。 陶瓷厂年产量为1500吨;其中日用细瓷为1200吨,低压电瓷为300吨。为了适应迅速发展的需要,已考虑增产一倍(即年产量为3000吨)。烧成车间将要多建一座,彩画车间也考虑了扩建位置,其他车间从一班制

Abstract:Is a general overview of the Vietnamese ceramics factory is us aid to Vietnam, engineering and construction projects, the site selection in BAC Giang Province in Vietnam, located in China's leading to Hanoi railway line on the right side. Ceramic factory, the annual output of 1500 tons; the porcelain is 1200 tons, 300 tons of low voltage electric porcelain. In order to meet the needs of rapid development, has been considered to double the output (that is, the annual output of 3000 tons). Burn into the workshop will be to build a more, painting workshop also consider the expansion of the location, the other workshop from a class system

引言:.协一‘、、已尸‘.、八‘华二乒份n、、一一一 一、一般椒况 越南陶瓷厂是我仍援助越南工程建毅项 目之一,厂址选择在越南北江省,位于中国盆往河内铁路钱的右侧。 曲瓷厂年产t为1500吨;其中日用栩瓷为理加吨,低压电瓷为300吨。为了适应迅盆盆展的浦耍,已老虑婚产一倍(即年产
