
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南林同省劳务出口社会管理探讨A study on the social management of labor export in Vietnam




Labor export is a big idea for the Vietnamese authorities in recent years. The export of labor for the treatment of unemployment, poverty alleviation, growth of national financial expenditure and national achievement contribute positive. However, according to the declaration of the Vietnamese authorities concerning the evaluation, our country's current labor export task still has some achievements. For example, the justice of the labor service has not been popularized to the whole people. A lot of rest because of the law do not know deceived the export of labor and the economic loss. In the same forest, the export of Labor Party and task by the local people of all ethnic groups all have consequences and care. But six years from 2017 to 2017, Lin Province every year sent to the nations of the world to rest, a small number of annual limited to 300 people to you, and most of the eve is popular rest or professional degree of retardation of break. On the export of labor services social governance task especially relevant judicial and abroad rest population implementation to go abroad and take a rest of judicial preach the lack of places in the task of surviving, has not reached the best results. Export of labor social governance in recent years by the relevant experts, part of the high value. Over the last few years, some of the results have emerged. However, so far no study has emerged over the system in Lam Dong province labor export the social aspects of governance. Therefore, develop their own choose the Vietnam Lin Province labor export social governance research "as a social governance Science Master graduation thesis topic, wishes through this research can may explain Lin Province current labor export social governance task with existing achievements, analyzes the cause and puts forward solution, thus to improve forest with the provincial labor export social governance task make a contribution. The social governance in the export labor coherent actual make comprehensive indecent summary basically, of forest with the provincial labor export especially labor export social governance status stop realistic assessment, the assessment results pointed out that the analysis of influence to forest with province labor export of all natural and social identity and the current forest with the province the promote the export of labor services of social governance measures and quality. In analyzing the good from the bad basically. It is pointed out that forest with province labor export social governance task has the advantages and the existing problems and explore its causes including objective is objectively two aspects of identity. In order to clarify the formation reason of lack of locality basically, this thesis proposed on improving forest with the provincial labor export business especially labor export of social governance, contains the province with the measures and individual way. After the forest with the province of labor export social governance tasks to be used in detail. After the way to promote coherence task that enhance the forest with the provincial labor export social governance consequences of a total of ten, including (1) to strengthen the international labor export market research and development tasks; (2) for labor service export market needs reform and promotion of human promotion and training tasks; (3) to develop and perfect for labor export services financial policy; (4) the perfect labor export management mechanism; (5) to enhance the export of labor services of communication tasks; (6) severe punishment on labor export of law-abiding and negative actions; (7) affirmed the Party authorities, front and group organization obligations; (8) increase in labor export growth: (9) engaged in labor export enterprises; (10) the export of labor services. In particular, the human walks to the rest of the country in the process, in order to ensure the safety and to join the labor export parties legitimate benefits, aggravating abroad rest energy pressure and economic burden, this paper and proposed how to effective business links, contain a detailed closed on the information conveyed, human promotion, to go abroad and take a rest essential premise, abroad the rest of the personal materials, smoothly working abroad, break people must learn to have what common sense, labor export deposit and abroad rest expiration returning people to solve contract termination procedures etc.. The export of labor services of social governance measures for the enterprise and abroad rest of people joined in the export of labor services in a process to provide convenient. Thesis writing end will Lin Province and Vietnam and other regional labor export business and social governance task supply reference and make a positive contribution to improve the work efficiency.

