都是r赖的坎塔纳电影动画学院距离曼谷45km二其建筑美■!■的建筑。有人在这里展现了创造力和敏锐的感受。这非常好,因方^影制作ten样造力。=还s时有间天口=?译_観 Cinema and architecture have one thing inthough,the play of light and shadow is not just foryou're doomed in this line of work."common:both art forms depend on the continuousaesthetics and spatial understanding,but primarilyThe passion has taken hold of the 60 buddinginterplay of light and shadow.The Kantana Filmfor the microclimate and the passive cooling of thefilmmakers studying here.?丨I ......(论文页数是:6页) ,泰语毕业论文,泰语论文网站 |