【摘要】:本论文致力于调查作用泰国高考的一些问题,略论作用泰国学生受教育权利的相关因素,并探讨泰国高考(统一入学考试)和大学自主招生录取系统的差别;同时调查O-NET考试,GAT考试与PAT考试是泰国高考,即针对计划读大学的高三学生的统一录取考试对学生受教育权利的作用。针对本论文的探讨目的特提出以下探讨问题:· 泰国高考以O-NET, GAT, PAT(部分领域)考试分数作为录取标准时,泰国学生有哪些与公平教育相关的权利。· 泰国统一高考和自主招生录取系统各自存在的问题及差别。· 为什么泰国很多大学都会面对自主招生录取系统出现的问题?· 为什么自主招生系统会出现教育不公平的现象?· 修正泰国大学录取系统出现的问题时会考虑哪些可能的因素?第一章介绍本论文的探讨背景,如:泰国社会、泰国教育系统、泰国的学制、学校类型、泰国教育体制的管理及组织结构。本论文的探讨目的是研讨泰国高校学生录取制度对泰国学生接受教育权利的作用并对比中泰两国高考制度的公平性。本章将说明本文探讨的意义及试图回答的问题。第二章综述本论文略论的文献基础。这一部分集中讨论泰国高校招生录取系统对泰国学生受教育权利的作用。第一,作为公民的基本权利,受教育权保证每个人都有权接受基本教育。大家在行使自己的这项权利的同时也要尊重他人的相关权利。为了保证教育的质量,除了需要在教育法里明文规定公民的受教育权外,也要致力于消除教育体制内各个层面存在的不公平现象。除了社会和经济两大主要因素外,泰国教育制度还受到一些其他因素的作用。第二,研讨泰国当代高等教育录取系统中作用学生受教育权利的核心问题,并跟不同国家进行对比。第三,研讨泰国高校统一考试录取制度和自主招生制度,并展开相关探讨。第三章介绍本论文所应用的探讨措施和及其过程,包括:探讨设计,探讨问题,取样,数据略论,统计措施和及其局限性等。第四章是探讨结果的略论讨论。为了满足不同探讨目的,本文采用定性及定量综合探讨的措施。对泰国教育工作者组成的一个焦点小组和自愿参加调查的1134名学生进行深度访谈。从受访者的统计数据略论来看:在泰国高考对学生受教育权利的作用问题上,61%的人认为高考对学生受教育的权利有作用;37%的学生认为高中时期的GPA(平均成绩)是可信的;51%(最多的人)认为O-NET考试的成绩是可信的;50%的学生(477名)认为GAT考试成绩可信;48%的学生(459名)认为PAT考试成绩可信;64%的学生(630名)认为自主招生系统作用了学生受教育的权利。第五章对中泰两国的高考制度进行了对比探讨。本章介绍了中国的高考和户籍制度,并在此基础上对比探讨了中国和泰国高校招生系统的差异。第六章是结论及建议。本章回顾及总结了泰国高校录取系统中作用泰国学生受教育权利的各种因素,并指出高校教育体制修改可能需要注意的地方。总结了作用泰国高校招生系统和泰国学生受教育权的因素,为泰国高校招生系统提供可行的改革方案。本调查发现当前考试录取系统中存在一些教育不公现象和一些不必要的花费。同时,被调查的学生们认为社会阶层差别也能成为作用大学录取的一个因素。此外,泰国教育质量也是作用学生受教育权利的一个因素。中国和泰国对应两种不同的教育方式。中泰两国都进行了综合、广泛的高考改革在高考改革中,中泰两国都采用了综合广泛的措施。两国的改革都不局限于教育的某一方面,因此对两国高考改革的共同之处进行比较是非常有趣的和有意义的。两个国家教育改革也为探讨者观察两国大学高考体制提供了很好的机会,在国际对比和评估方面都有优势。
Acknowledgement8-9 摘要9-11 Abstract11-21 Abbreviations and Acronyms21-23 CHAPTER ONE THE PREMISE AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY23-120 1.1 Introduction to Thailand Social Background24-81 1.1.1 Study of Thailand Social Background24-25 1.1.2 Education System in Thailand25-31 1.1.3 The Academic year in Thailand31-32 1.1.4 Types of School in Thailand32-33 1.1.5 Administrative Structures of the Thai Education System33-39 1.1.6 Administration in Educational Service Areas39-43 1.1.7 The Thai Government's 15-Year Free Education Policy43-44 1.1.8 Thai Student Loans Scheme(SLS)for education in Thailand44-45 1.1.9 Council of University Presidents of Thailand45-46 1.1.10 Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand46-47 1.1.11 Quality Assurance in Higher Education47-48 1.1.12 Higher Education System in Thailand48-53 1.1.13 The University Admission System in Thailand53-69 1.1.14 Central university admission system in Thailand69-77 1.1.15 Direct university admission system In Thailand77-81 1.2 Introduction to China Modern Social Background81-115 1.2.1 Study of China modern Social Background83-85 1.2.2 Educational System in China today85-90 1.2.3 Administrative Structures of the China Education System90-93 1.2.4 Administration in Education Service Areas93-94 1.2.5 China education Policy94-95 1.2.6 Educational Refoem in China95-106 1.2.7 Challenges in China Educational106-108 1.2.8 The "Gaokao Examination" phenomenon in China108-112 1.2.9 Educat/on reform to reduce gaokao scores112-113 1.2.10 China's Hukou System113-115 1.3 Purpose of the Study115-116 1.4 Significance of the Study116 1.5 Problem Statement116-117 1.6 Research Questions117-118 1.7 Organization of the Study118-120 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW120-181 2.1 Overview of the chapter120 2.2 Introduction120-127 2.2.1 Problems and ensure equal educational opportunities121-122 2.2.2 Shock results in many tests122-123 2.2.3 Why the Thai education is has developed slowly?123-124 2.2.4 Cause of slow development in Thailand124-125 2.2.5 The TDRI has recommendations to improve Thai schools125-126 2.2.6 Policy for education reform in the Thai education system126-127 2.2.7 Thailand's national development plans127 2.3 Education,democracy and development127-130 2.3.1 The Democratic education127-130 2.3.2 International Democratic Education130 2.4 The Theory130-140 2.4.1 Theory of justic131-133 2.4.2 Theou of human capital133-136 2.4.3 Marxist educational theory136-137 2.4.4 Theory of demand for higher education137-139 2.4.5 Theory of education management139-140 2.5 Equity in education140-143 2.5.1 Human rights education history141-142 2.5.2 Education as a human right in the 21st Century142-143 2.5.3 Human rights-based approach for the education143 2.6 History of education reform in Thailand143-152 2.7 Thai students' rights to equal education152-153 2.8 Thai Government's Policy to Accelerate Higher Education Reform153-157 2.8.1 University Admission System in Thailand154 2.8.2 Guidelines for Thai Student Admission154-157 2.9 Problem affecting Thai students' right of education157 2.10 The impacts of the direct university admission system157-159 2.11 The impact of Thailand's O-NET test159-161 2.12 The impact of Thailand's GAT and PAT test161-162 2.13 The NIETS postponed the test dates of GAT/PAT162-163 2.14 The GPA,GPAX may be affected fair for University Admission163 2.15 University and college admission in some countries163-172 2.16 Emergence of research172-181 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURES181-194 3.1 Overview of the chapter181-183 3.1.1 Research Paradigms181-182 3.1.2 Research Design182-183 3.1.3 Evaluation183 3.2 Data Gathering Pocedures183-184 3.3 Sampling Study limitations184-185 3.4 Sampling Design185-187 3.5 Data Analysis187-188 3.6 Statistical Test188-194 3.6.1 Qualitative Data Collection189 3.6.2 Quantitative Data Collection189-190 3.6.3 Survey instrument development:Pilot Study190-192 3.6.4 Study Limitations192-194 CHAPTER FOUR ANALYSIS194-229 4.1 Overview of the chapter194-195 4.2 Findings from the interview195-203 4.2.1 In-depth interviews from the educator opinion197-201 4.2.2 The Thai student opinion Survey201-203 4.3 Findings from the survey questionnaires203-204 4.4 Analysis of questionnaire and survey data204-229 4.4.1 Data Analysis and Finding204-229 CHAPTER FIVE A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN CHINA AND THAILAND ONUNIVERSITY ADMISSION SYSTEM229-258 5.1 Overview of the chapter229-231 5.2 Analysis of the Chinese National College Entrance Exam System231-255 5.2.1 The gaokao system in China234-237 5.2.2 The gaokao exam time conflict schedule237-242 5.2.3 The new gaokao system242-244 5.2.4 The policy "Bei Yue,HuaYue,ZhuoYue"244-249 5.2.5 China's household registration system249-253 5.2.6 The Change in China's Hukou Policy253-254 5.2.7 China's reform gaokao254-255 5.3 Comparative Study on university Admission System between China and Thailand255-258 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS258-269 6.1 Overview of the chapter258-260 6.2 Conclusion:The concerns and implication of the university admission system in Thailand260-267 6.2.1 The university admission system and factors affecting Thai students' rights to education260-262 6.2.2 The steps to introduce education reform to improve the university admission system in Thailand262-263 6.2.3 GAT and PAT test to fail Thai children263-264 6.2.4 Revamping the O-NET, GAT and PAT test in Thailand264-265 6.2.5 Education Curriculum265-266 6.2.6 Percentages and Weights of GPAX,O-NET,and GAT/PAT266 6.2.7 Disadvantages of the University Admissions System in Thailand266-267 6.2.8 Advantages of the University Admissions System in Thailand267 6.3 Conclusion:The concerns and implication of comparative study on China-Thailand college admission system267-269 ,泰语专业论文,泰语论文网站 |